Intelligent Money British GT Championship

Intelligent Money British GT Championship



39,703 posts

272 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Drumroll said:
Don't forget a lot of marshals don't just do circuits, but hillclimb and sprints as well as few who also do rallies. All of whom will want to run.
Do we think there might be a shortage of marshals, if we have a full(ish) motorsports calendar compressed into a smaller timeframe? I'm guessing if so, then some events may not be able to take place or limited to 1 day as opposed to a full weekend.


3,821 posts

123 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Kinky said:
Drumroll said:
Don't forget a lot of marshals don't just do circuits, but hillclimb and sprints as well as few who also do rallies. All of whom will want to run.
Do we think there might be a shortage of marshals, if we have a full(ish) motorsports calendar compressed into a smaller timeframe? I'm guessing if so, then some events may not be able to take place or limited to 1 day as opposed to a full weekend.
Yes, with the best will in the world we can only do one event at a time.

I can only speak for myself, but if I look at September this year before all this kicked off, the first weekend was a 2 day race meeting, then a 2 day hillclimb, then another 2 day race meeting at a different circuit, then a 2 day rally (Friday, Saturday then another on Sunday) Never going to fit anything else in.

The big problem comes when organisers look at their sheets and say well we have 100+ marshals for this event. ignoring the fact it has now moved, and on the date it now, that person has volunteered for something else. (or now has to work, can no longer afford to attend etc (or as I said in another thread wants to spend time with their family as they have been separated from them for several weeks. (frontline Paramedic))

I have already made it clear I will not be out every weekend covering events (although if you at what said I would do in September you do wonder).


2,860 posts

187 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Do you know if there will be any flexibility with our allocated tickets? Working offshore means 40% of my year is pretty rigid. I don't get any "holiday" as such, my rota is my rota.

Steve H

5,460 posts

198 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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I hope we can get some racing in this year and I’d imagine Brit GTs would be towards the front of the queue for slots but I’m not sure how they can run any race event with multiple marshals together or any of the other interactions that take place not to mention the issues with audience numbers at the bigger events like this.

My guess is trackdays will come first, maybe club events with reduced entries next or bigger series with TV coverage only. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t see how we can run how we used to until there’s a vaccine frown.


2,089 posts

201 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Kinky said:
Do we think there might be a shortage of marshals, if we have a full(ish) motorsports calendar compressed into a smaller timeframe? I'm guessing if so, then some events may not be able to take place or limited to 1 day as opposed to a full weekend.
You'd be suprised how few marshals you can get away with. It can go from the sublime to the ridiculous though, BTCC where we can virtually join hands around the circuit to events where you're covering post chief, flag and incident on your own.


3,821 posts

123 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Flipatron said:
You'd be suprised how few marshals you can get away with. It can go from the sublime to the ridiculous though, BTCC where we can virtually join hands around the circuit to events where you're covering post chief, flag and incident on your own.
True and that was part of the problem before all this. Whilst it is likely BTCC would get enough marshals, it will be all the others that suffer.


39,703 posts

272 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Drumroll said:
Flipatron said:
You'd be suprised how few marshals you can get away with. It can go from the sublime to the ridiculous though, BTCC where we can virtually join hands around the circuit to events where you're covering post chief, flag and incident on your own.
True and that was part of the problem before all this. Whilst it is likely BTCC would get enough marshals, it will be all the others that suffer.
That's what I was thinking. I assume that there is a minimum number required for the event to take place. Therefore if that minimum is not met what happens? You can't just draft in anyone.

And to pre-empt any questions, yes I would consider doing it; but only if was local to me. There's no way (sadly) I'd be able to spend weekends away due to work and family commitments.

@Julian - apologies for the thread derail smile


2,089 posts

201 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Kinky said:
That's what I was thinking. I assume that there is a minimum number required for the event to take place. Therefore if that minimum is not met what happens?


3,821 posts

123 months

Sunday 26th April 2020
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Kinky said:
That's what I was thinking. I assume that there is a minimum number required for the event to take place. Therefore if that minimum is not met what happens? You can't just draft in anyone.

And to pre-empt any questions, yes I would consider doing it; but only if was local to me. There's no way (sadly) I'd be able to spend weekends away due to work and family commitments.

@Julian - apologies for the thread derail smile
It is a bit of a grey area. The blue book just says sufficient marshals. (Your idea of sufficient and the MSUK stewards ideas may vary) But it isn't just marshals on the track. You would also need suffient rescue crews, and as has already been said sufficient medics.


Original Poster:

10,037 posts

117 months

Monday 4th May 2020
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Kinky said:
@Julian - apologies for the thread derail smile
Hello mate, no problem! I trust all is well with you and yours. smile


4,596 posts

156 months

Monday 4th May 2020
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Well hopefully, Brands Hatch end of August will still be possible. Fingers crossed, that was the one I had chosen to get tickets for smile


39,703 posts

272 months

Monday 4th May 2020
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JulianPH said:
Kinky said:
@Julian - apologies for the thread derail smile
Hello mate, no problem! I trust all is well with you and yours. smile

All good here thumbup


818 posts

108 months

Wednesday 13th May 2020
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So just checked the British gt website - first race now spa - anyone still booked for Spa?

I haven't yet, mainly due to the virus of course, but looks like the situation is improving a bit, still a long way off mind, but germany border potentially opening in a months time could be the bit of good news we all need in hoping the season does manage to start.


2,352 posts

204 months

Wednesday 13th May 2020
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They need to update their website then because Spa is locked down until July 31st.


2,352 posts

204 months

Thursday 14th May 2020
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A revised calendar has been announced.

Despite having to drop Spa they are still cramming in the same amount of race time by having a sprint and an endurance race at the Donington Park round in August. The second Donington race in September has been extended to 3 hours.


2,089 posts

201 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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Great news, looking forward to visiting the GTs at Oulton and Donny again, always a great weekend.


6,469 posts

113 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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Silverstone in November - better get some thermals ordered winksmile


818 posts

108 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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Possibly Brands Hatch then for me.

Don't fancy Silverstone in November much (sorry to be a fair weather race watcher).

Won't buy any tickets yet though, as too much speculation re coming out of lockdown at present.


3,199 posts

101 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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So is that Spa officially stcanned ?

Gutted. Had a big weekend planned for it.

Shame as well, as there was likely to be a convoy of idiots all wearing fancy new jackets and caps , hammering sausages into Belgian lawns all weekend.

Nampahc Niloc

910 posts

81 months

Friday 15th May 2020
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Brads67 said:
So is that Spa officially stcanned ?

Gutted. Had a big weekend planned for it.

Shame as well, as there was likely to be a convoy of idiots all wearing fancy new jackets and caps , hammering sausages into Belgian lawns all weekend.
Will they even be open to spectators?