Before all the venues disappear...

Before all the venues disappear...



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2,670 posts

161 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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As I said at the start of the thread, if people don’t go, the places close. For me, the price I’m willing to pay depends on the event.

£17 is very cheap IMO for a day out with a variety of formulae putting on a good show.

I’m happy paying £38 for the BTCC at Knockhill and £16 to see Super Tourers at Croft.

I’m less happy about £27 for Santa Pod but that’s mainly because it’s on my doorstep and I’d like to go to more events. The one I’ve picked isn’t even the big one, that’s £38 (or £49 on the gate).


1,559 posts

18 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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Robmarriott said:
As I said at the start of the thread, if people don’t go, the places close. For me, the price I’m willing to pay depends on the event.

£17 is very cheap IMO for a day out with a variety of formulae putting on a good show.

I’m happy paying £38 for the BTCC at Knockhill and £16 to see Super Tourers at Croft.

I’m less happy about £27 for Santa Pod but that’s mainly because it’s on my doorstep and I’d like to go to more events. The one I’ve picked isn’t even the big one, that’s £38 (or £49 on the gate).
Good point, i'll be at Croft because it's local and the club running the event is in-line with my interests, but £38 to drive to the arse end of the country to watch a bunch of cars that sound like wet farts, seeing how far they can cut the track and who they can punt off to gain a position? Different strokes - I won't even watch the highlights on ITV4.

Drag racing is an odd one, I find driving in a straight line boring regardless of speed, so never have understood what attracts people to compete or spectate. Straights are the boring bits between the corners driving


3,822 posts

123 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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So in half a dozen posts we have had entrance should be £5 for club events, to the admin prices being reasonable, to I won't pay £38 for BTCC and I don't get drag racing.

The last 2 points are interesting as no one will deny That BTCC attracts the largest car crowds in UK "club" racing. Likewise Santa Pod usually attracts large crowds. So on that basis alone the entrance fee doesn't appear to be the issue.

What clearly is the issue is promotion, Robmarriott couldn't easily find information about Trac Mon (that name in itself doesn't help) I know nearly all the dates for events in the UK, but I am a motorsport nut and have facebook/internet links to most organisers websites. Even then it is often not easy to find stuff. I can wade my way round MSUK website to find events, but again not straightforward.

As has already bee said there is actually little incentive for clubs to really promote events as they don't gain directly from any revenue generated (There is actually an argument that promoting events costs the club money) Whilst it is easy to post something on Facebook etc it is questionable how effective that is.

Closed Road Rallying Seems to get spectators, but if you look at it they have to do a lot of PR work and visit all houses on the routes. closed road orders need to be obtained etc (yet we still have some locals saying they knew nothing about it)

I really don't know the answer but 30 years ago we were already discussing falling numbers of spectators. We even talked on about having non spectator events at circuits.


10,726 posts

205 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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bumskins said:
Good point, i'll be at Croft because it's local and the club running the event is in-line with my interests, but £38 to drive to the arse end of the country to watch a bunch of cars that sound like wet farts, seeing how far they can cut the track and who they can punt off to gain a position? Different strokes - I won't even watch the highlights on ITV4.

Drag racing is an odd one, I find driving in a straight line boring regardless of speed, so never have understood what attracts people to compete or spectate. Straights are the boring bits between the corners driving
Drag racing is only boring if you drive slow machinery. Spectating at a Top Fuel meet should be a right of passage for any petrolhead


Original Poster:

2,670 posts

161 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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bumskins said:
Good point, i'll be at Croft because it's local and the club running the event is in-line with my interests, but £38 to drive to the arse end of the country to watch a bunch of cars that sound like wet farts, seeing how far they can cut the track and who they can punt off to gain a position? Different strokes - I won't even watch the highlights on ITV4.

Drag racing is an odd one, I find driving in a straight line boring regardless of speed, so never have understood what attracts people to compete or spectate. Straights are the boring bits between the corners driving
I love drag racing for the engineering and the fact that you can sit on the bank at SP in the sun all day with a picnic and see every bit of action. It’s like being at the beach but with fast cars to watch rather than the sea! The paddock is open all day too which isn’t the norm for motorsport in my experience. Again though I grew up nearby and you like what you’re familiar with, right?

BTCC at Knockhill was a balanced choice. I like the BTCC and watch it on TV, I’ve never been to Knockhill and it’s a long way to go for a club meeting (for example) so a big event is the obvious choice.

Like you say, different strokes!

Edited by Robmarriott on Tuesday 21st March 11:11


211 posts

149 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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Truckosaurus said:
Goodwood has retained its 'classic' layout due to being shut for decades and then being re-opened as somewhat of a theme park rather than a working circuit.

I assume the Duke owns most of the land in the vicinity which will also help on the NIMBY front.
Quite the opposite actually - he has massive problems placating the locals some of whom go out of their way to be obstructive - at last years Revival, one village had people out using a speed gun they'd bought themselves as there was a massive influx of motorists over the weekend. The fact there was an accident and it was the Police routing traffic through that village didn't stop them complaining to the council et al.

At the circuit, there is a sound meter at the chicane which is monitored at the Council offices and they do get pulled on it occasionally. I think the Circuit is allowed 5 'loud' days a year, so that will be the Revival and MM?

I do wonder though that as they are building a new housing estate next to the circuit, Madgwick Park, that even has it's roads named after racing drivers, how many of it's new residents will complain about the noise or the traffic, I bet they'll be some....


399 posts

197 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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I am up in Scotland, been spectating for years at Knockhill with friends. We then started moving further a field to see what other circuits were like to spectate at. not done too many but everyone has turned into a great weekend away.

I now have season passes for both Knockhill and Croft which get me into all the 4 wheel events, we also take a trip to Thruxton for the touring cars and maybe a GT meet or truck race (last year was fantastic) at Donnington too.

The highlights for me are consistently in the smaller club racing (750MC,sallons and sports,etc), the racing is fantastic, competitive and close and I am gutted that more do not recognise how good the racing is and how low spectator numbers it brings. I am wary that these races events will no longer run but if it is the case that spectator numbers do not influence the races being held, I am all for a no queue burger van and toiletssmile

Sitting on the bank at Croft, getting sunburnt over a weekend again this year has been a thought that has kept me through the winter!


4,479 posts

49 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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I do think Santa Pod have priced themselves out for the casual fan a little. The big events there are very expensive for what is in effect a very basic sport. Yes there are tons of cars and they make an effort, but 50 odd quid for a Sunday at the Main Event when 3/4 of the field has gone home, I never understand that!

But I will say they have invested heavily over the last decade and they are reaping rewards, no competition and they have also engaged a market the motorsport industry have either ignored or do not understand, youth. Hence why even a fairly tame meeting there will have thousands at it and Silverstone, Brands, Oulton will have one man and his dog for a similar meeting, even short ovals is a dying crowd despite being all action

I lost count of the times I saw footage from SP last year and the bank was almost full, that is a LOT of people, so they must be doing something right, people like the facilities, the bar, the stuff for kids, they invested well, a lot of people camp there, it is safe, miles away from anywhere and good fun.

JP gets it, a lot of events he does now are far more aimed at non fans than fans, but he has to cater for all of it so has less and more of what he has to


399 posts

197 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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Forgot to add, did Santa Pod too for a good few years, BugJam. It was a good time but got repetitive and yea, its got quite pricey. Still worth going to an event there if you have never been IMHO.


10,726 posts

205 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
I do think Santa Pod have priced themselves out for the casual fan a little. The big events there are very expensive for what is in effect a very basic sport. Yes there are tons of cars and they make an effort, but 50 odd quid for a Sunday at the Main Event when 3/4 of the field has gone home, I never understand that!

But I will say they have invested heavily over the last decade and they are reaping rewards, no competition and they have also engaged a market the motorsport industry have either ignored or do not understand, youth. Hence why even a fairly tame meeting there will have thousands at it and Silverstone, Brands, Oulton will have one man and his dog for a similar meeting, even short ovals is a dying crowd despite being all action

I lost count of the times I saw footage from SP last year and the bank was almost full, that is a LOT of people, so they must be doing something right, people like the facilities, the bar, the stuff for kids, they invested well, a lot of people camp there, it is safe, miles away from anywhere and good fun.

JP gets it, a lot of events he does now are far more aimed at non fans than fans, but he has to cater for all of it so has less and more of what he has to
They have upped the price up significantly for racers, was shocked at the entry prices nowadays but have to say I don't think the event prices are too bad, the next big meet is £33 for the Sunday and £104 for the full 4 day weekend and that includes camping etc , the Main Event isn't £50 either its £38 which is about 1/2 of what a premiership football match is , represents pretty decent VFM imo , its a lot cheaper than the Goodwood Revival for example


1,374 posts

129 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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coppice said:
Or pay Guy Martin (or other sleb ) to turn up - that gets them through the gate .No thanks , I'm of the 'right crowd and no crowding ' Brooklands school ...
He didn't attract a 'crowd' that I noticed when he competed at Oliver's Mount.


Original Poster:

2,670 posts

161 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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liner33 said:
They have upped the price up significantly for racers, was shocked at the entry prices nowadays but have to say I don't think the event prices are too bad, the next big meet is £33 for the Sunday and £104 for the full 4 day weekend and that includes camping etc , the Main Event isn't £50 either its £38 which is about 1/2 of what a premiership football match is , represents pretty decent VFM imo , its a lot cheaper than the Goodwood Revival for example
They have ‘early bird’ pricing at £38 but if you leave it too late it’s £49, plus a £3 booking fee per ticket either way.

It’s way too expensive for me to go regularly now but as a one (or few) off, I’m happy to pick and choose the good events and not have to feel the guilt of not contributing to a great venue when it’s gone.

As for Goodwood, I went once and won’t again. It was way too expensive to enjoy and I felt as out of place as a bikini model in a convent.


4,714 posts

225 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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Robmarriott said:
I love drag racing for the engineering and the fact that you can sit on the bank at SP …… The paddock is open all day too which isn’t the norm for motorsport in my experience…..]
I think that this is the most perplexing statement on this thread tbh.
I have never been to a club racing meeting where you cannot wander round the paddock. Indeed, even at BTCC, British GT, International GT meetings etc, spectators can wander round the paddock. Granted the teams occupying the garages at the big meetings will not allow access to the garages but you can walk around the paddock where the support series are.
What meetings have you been to, where you could not walk around the paddock. I have been to one…the British GP. And I have attended/ spectated at/ competed at/ helped teams or clubs at numerous meetings over the years from BTCC meetings to British GT to many club meetings and, without exception have seen spectators with access to the paddock at all of those meetings.


Original Poster:

2,670 posts

161 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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Ok so maybe I omitted a couple of words. The access at Santa Pod allows you to get up close to every single car. I’ve been to various different circuits for BTCC and you can’t do that with the main attraction, same for the British GTs.

The support paddock your can so maybe it’s an issue with garages.

Either way, they are not the same levels of access.


4,479 posts

49 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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Lol,so 1 pound cheaper than I said, it is easy to put a positive spin on events when you love them, but the fact is 50 quid on the day to watch drag racing iis pretty dear.

I used to be able to go up there on Main Event Friday evening for a tenner less than 20 years ago, that is not long for a massive increase.

I realise all events have gone up in price, but my limit for most things is about 30-49 quid.

Also last time I looked buying online made the ticket price exactly the same as paying on the gate so was utterly pointless.

But if you enjoy it fine, it is something I do once every 5 years or so, and that is enough for me, I find the cars interesting, i find the racing less so.


Original Poster:

2,670 posts

161 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
Lol,so 1 pound cheaper than I said, it is easy to put a positive spin on events when you love them, but the fact is 50 quid on the day to watch drag racing iis pretty dear.

I used to be able to go up there on Main Event Friday evening for a tenner less than 20 years ago, that is not long for a massive increase.

I realise all events have gone up in price, but my limit for most things is about 30-49 quid.

Also last time I looked buying online made the ticket price exactly the same as paying on the gate so was utterly pointless.

But if you enjoy it fine, it is something I do once every 5 years or so, and that is enough for me, I find the cars interesting, i find the racing less so.
I’m agreeing with you. £49 plus a booking fee is too much for me too.


8,731 posts

147 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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boxedin said:
coppice said:
Or pay Guy Martin (or other sleb ) to turn up - that gets them through the gate .No thanks , I'm of the 'right crowd and no crowding ' Brooklands school ...
He didn't attract a 'crowd' that I noticed when he competed at Oliver's Mount.
You are quite right , re some events - I saw him once at a Straightliners meeting at Elvington and he was just another bloke with a bike . But I once saw the poor sod at a Time Attack meeting and he was mobbed by da kidz wherever he went , poor guy. As it were .


5,506 posts

206 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
JP gets it, a lot of events he does now are far more aimed at non fans than fans, but he has to cater for all of it so has less and more of what he has to
On the whole he does a decent job of mixing car shows with racing such as American cars and Euro-NASCAR, Legends; BMW car show and racing; Civic Type Rs makes sense but TCR UK championship rounds in the middle of Japfest events? The bulk of the field is made VAG products!

Scooobydont said:
The highlights for me are consistently in the smaller club racing (750MC,sallons and sports,etc), the racing is fantastic, competitive and close and I am gutted that more do not recognise how good the racing is and how low spectator numbers it brings. I am wary that these races events will no longer run but if it is the case that spectator numbers do not influence the races being held, I am all for a no queue burger van and toiletssmile
That's a shame given its geographical location. Castle Combe gets big crowds despite only ever running club meetings and only grass for run-off.


4,479 posts

49 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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Combe spent a lot of time back in the day garnering local support, plus there are vast populations nearby with nothing else close, that is good business, something far bigger venues could take a look at instead of just ripping people off for the odd event a year.

I can tell you if I lived close to Combe I would attend a lot as I would many venues, I live close to Silverstone and attend maybe 2 or 3 times a year, literally half an hour away!


2,120 posts

99 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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Robmarriott said:
The access at Santa Pod allows you to get up close to every single car. I’ve been to various different circuits for BTCC and you can’t do that with the main attraction,
You've only got to ask.

Most BTCC teams are very mindful and supportive of their fan base and are happy to show peeps around the cars.