Intelligent Money British GT Championship

Intelligent Money British GT Championship



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117 months

Sunday 20th September 2020
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Just seen my interview. Note to self, get a haircut! biggrin


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117 months

Monday 21st September 2020
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Norbury90 said:

Those planes were coming in low over the track! Great day with great weather! biggrin


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117 months

Monday 21st September 2020
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mikeiow said:
Congrats, this is great news! beer
Morning mate!

I think so! You can see the announcement at 4 minutes in here...



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117 months

Tuesday 29th September 2020
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markbigears said:
Julian, I was listening to your interview on the start straight and you mentioned something about TVR but i couldn't quite hear? Well done on all the various sponsorships you have going on and the new racing team. All the best, Mark
Hi Mark, it was incredibly loud on the grid with the garages right next door! If you use Instagram (which I never did, but was told that I had to!) there is another short clip of that interview a mate took whilst they were filming it live and you can see how impossible it was to hear anything (@julianpennistonhill)

I have taken a small stake in the TVR reboot company. Nothing big or fancy, I just got the opportunity to be part of it!

Cheers on the sponsorships, we have another very exciting one for Silverstone which is planned to be announced on the 8th October...


Edited to add link:

Edited by JulianPH on Tuesday 29th September 09:47


Original Poster:

10,037 posts

117 months

Tuesday 29th September 2020
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jurbie said:
Lots of pics from Donington Park.

Great photos, as always!


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10,037 posts

117 months

Tuesday 29th September 2020
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Silverstone is now closed for spectators. Brilliant...


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10,037 posts

117 months

Tuesday 29th September 2020
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JonChalk said:
JulianPH said:
Silverstone is now closed for spectators. Brilliant...
Disappointing, Julian, but I'm guessing it's a circuit/host decision, rather than BGT's?
It is, still a great shame given what we have planned for it.


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10,037 posts

117 months

Wednesday 30th September 2020
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Truckosaurus said:
I had a feeling that would be the case, I don't think Silverstone were going to have enough 'non elite' events to make it worth their effort to make the spectator areas 'covid secure'.

I'm not sure there would have been many of us foolish enough to turn up to watch in November anyway.
Are you saying my race isn't elite!!! biggrin

No, it was never an ideal date in my mind either.


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10,037 posts

117 months

Wednesday 30th September 2020
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JonChalk said:
Truckosaurus said:
JonChalk said:
Disappointing, Julian, but I'm guessing it's a circuit/host decision, rather than BGT's?
I had a feeling that would be the case, I don't think Silverstone were going to have enough 'non elite' events to make it worth their effort to make the spectator areas 'covid secure'.

I'm not sure there would have been many of us foolish enough to turn up to watch in November anyway.
I was going, really, I was.

Haven't been to any live motorsport this year; early CV-19 restrictions, etc, followed by my camera needing repair (I can't watch motorsport without my camera smile ) once BGT got going - it (camera) won't be back for a few weeks yet.
Sorry about that Jon, out of our hands. Hope to see you there next year...


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10,037 posts

117 months

Wednesday 30th September 2020
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leef44 said:
JulianPH said:
mikeiow said:
Congrats, this is great news! beer
Morning mate!

I think so! You can see the announcement at 4 minutes in here...


That's a nice bit of air-time. Well done Julian.

I don't know how much influence you have on the racing coverage but it would be a worthy addition if they could add the car number to the live position table on the screen.

They either show position and driver name or position and car model. It's difficult to grasp which battle you are watching on the screen when the only big recognition point is the car number.

That's for those like me who are not familiar with every driver in each car (esp. when there are two per car). This would help increase viewing numbers to follow the race.

Good call mate, I will raise it with SRO (who control the filming). I have a small degree of influence!



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10,037 posts

117 months

Friday 2nd October 2020
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GR_TVR said:
JulianPH said:
It is, still a great shame given what we have planned for it.
I was very much looking forward to a free bar, considering I live within walking (stumbling) distance. hehe

Next year? smile
Hi Gareth, sorry to disappoint!

Looks like it will be next year when we can prop each other up!



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10,037 posts

117 months

Wednesday 14th October 2020
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After some time planning I am very excited to finally announce the Silverstone surprise.

IM has got together with SKY to partner a second McLaren 720S, which will be driven by former Le Mans LMP2 winner Chris Buncombe and 2009 Formula 1 World Champion Jenson Button!

Jenson is coming over from LA for this and I have just had a chat with him a few minute ago, he is also very excited!



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10,037 posts

117 months

Wednesday 14th October 2020
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Thanks guys!

It is just a one off, but if you saw my grid interview at Donington Park I said there that I wanted to raise the profile of this championship and Jenson and Chris should certainly start doing this!



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117 months

Wednesday 14th October 2020
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Truckosaurus said:
I have a feeling that if spectators were allowed in the pits then JB wouldn't be taking part as they'd just be swamped with fans trying to get photos etc.

Some good PR for the series though. What's the deal with the SKY advertising, are they featuring it on the F1 coverage? (I haven't watched any F1 for several seasons)
They may be doing a programme about Jenson coming over for testing with Chris. Not certain yet though.


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117 months

Wednesday 14th October 2020
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Dinoboy said:
That's a great boost for the series, well done!
Cheers, it was not easy, but Jenson and Chris have been fantastic since approaching to be part of this story, which I consider to be an honour.



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117 months

Wednesday 14th October 2020
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jurbie said:
Truckosaurus said:
What's the deal with the SKY advertising, are they featuring it on the F1 coverage? (I haven't watched any F1 for several seasons)
Sky have been showing a lot of the GT World Challenge Europe on the F1 channel. Live races when there is no F1 and highlights when there is. They sponsor the Ferrari Tempesta team and Chris Buncombe raced with them last year but I don't know how direct the sponsorship is.

I've always assumed Chris Froggatt brings the money as he is the constant in the team so it figures he's the one with the connection to Sky but maybe Buncombe has a bigger role than just quick driver.

Anyway here's our take on it with quotes and stuff.
Chris Buncombe and Jenson Button have been mates since they were 7 and are both founding partners of Jenson Team Rocket. Jenson is also contracted with SKY.

As for the money side of things, they approached me and I am now am licking my wounds!!! biggrin


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10,037 posts

117 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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JonChalk said:
Get planning for next year:

I have been so tired with the daft puppy I forgot to post this myself! biggrin


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10,037 posts

117 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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jurbie said:
The pit lane is way to tight at Thruxton, this is what happened the last time British GT visited.
Absolutely supurb! This is why GT raceing is so much more exciting than modeernd day F1 racing (I am not knocking F1 in the slightest).



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10,037 posts

117 months

Thursday 15th October 2020
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Modern, even!


Original Poster:

10,037 posts

117 months

Friday 16th October 2020
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Steve H said:
IF I’m not already racing and IF C19 has taken a beating, Spa looks like a nice option for a long weekend scratchchin
Morning mate

Spa is always good, but you will be busy racing! wink

Just so everyone is aware, Steve is my partner in Intelligent Money Racing.

We are shortly going to start a thread on the conversion of a road Porsche Cayman into a full racing car!
