1961 Grantura on Ebay. The barn find to end them all ...

1961 Grantura on Ebay. The barn find to end them all ...



Original Poster:

355 posts

145 months

Tuesday 27th June 2023
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Original Poster:

355 posts

145 months

Wednesday 28th June 2023
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The listing now has 583 Ebay "watchers" ! That must be some kind of record. So it may go much higher ...


Original Poster:

355 posts

145 months

Wednesday 28th June 2023
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Copying some of the images here, so that this thread is still readable once the Ebay listing closes :


Original Poster:

355 posts

145 months

Sunday 2nd July 2023
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40 minutes to go, 680 Ebay watchers, 14 different bidders so far.

But the high bid has gone down to £3000. The two highest bidders at £3200 and £3500 withdrew their bids a few days later. Perhaps the reality of the likely bills had started to worry them. Or did the missus spot their bids and give them an earful ...?


Original Poster:

355 posts

145 months

Sunday 2nd July 2023
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Sold for £4800 with 33 bids from 17 bidders.


Original Poster:

355 posts

145 months

Tuesday 10th October 2023
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Ebay normally has a 3-month rolling cut-off for the sold items lists, so it will have dropped out about a week ago.

New listing with 1 bid so far and 5 days to go : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335062731726