britax sunroof

britax sunroof



Original Poster:

1,474 posts

276 months

Sunday 17th February 2002
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Dear Gassers
Just had my 3000m painted a wicked colour, and now need to replace the original sunroof which is a britax sunway II. I need the complete unit which i intend to fit myself. Anyone know a supplier of these units?


2,745 posts

281 months

Sunday 17th February 2002
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Did you try David Gerald?
I guess they supply many parts, don't they?


2,282 posts

290 months

Tuesday 19th February 2002
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The solution to the sunroof problem if you cannot get an original(very rare)is to buy an MGB GT kit which is the same width but longer and shorten the side rails to suit. Re cover the roof in which ever wicked colour you wish and sell the original cover to someone with an MG.