


Original Poster:

22 posts

268 months

Monday 5th August 2002
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Does anyone have a spare Tuscan/Vixen/M series/etc windscreen ??


379 posts

292 months

Monday 5th August 2002
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You could try Adrian Venn, Steve Reid or David Gerald.


612 posts

268 months

Monday 5th August 2002
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The windscreen on my Vixen shattered last year and Autoglass had no problem finding and fitting one. So I would have thought Adrian Venn, Steve Reid or David Gerald should have one.

luke undy

10 posts

275 months

Monday 5th August 2002
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You could also try Ford owners clubs,websites, magazines, etc as the windscreen for all of these cars are from a Ford Consul Mk2 Lowlina(so I am told). If you havent already done so, check out as he has drawn up a vixen parts list (I am assuming you have a Tuscan as its the first name you listed,I am also assuming that Tuscans share many of the same parts). Autoglass also supply these screens at £200


1,730 posts

279 months

Thursday 8th August 2002
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Steve Reid has them for about £150 but collection only. I could be wrong but I was realtively sure that the windscreen was from a MK 1 Consul. I have read this a few times in different places. Autoglass told me they could get one for my M but ended up repauring my exisiting item.
I did wonder about my blue "sunvisor" strip and the sundym glass (are they the same thing??) and whether or not a replacement would have them. I want to keep that authentic seventies look!