Noise levels



Original Poster:

1,528 posts

270 months

Monday 29th July 2002
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Very much a 'how long is a piece of string' questions, but does anyone know what the noise output of a TVR 3000 M is?

I'm booked to go on a track day at Silverstone (in the evening...) an the limit is 98Db measured 0.5m and 45 degrees from the car (at max RPM by the way).

My car has a stainless system fitted with one large silencer in the middle and two small ones at the rear for each tailpipe.

Doesn't sound too loud to me, but that won't be much consolation if I'm not allowed out to play.....


567 posts

271 months

Monday 29th July 2002
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if it doesnt sound too loud to you you'll be fine. believe me, if you've ever heard a sports exhaust on a cerbera.....