3000M Leaky Brake Fluid Resovoir

3000M Leaky Brake Fluid Resovoir



Original Poster:

379 posts

292 months

Wednesday 19th June 2002
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Whilst I was at Le Mans, I noticed that I had a brake fluid leak from where the plastic brake fluid resovoir sits on the alloy, at the front of the vacumn cylinder. I topped up the resovoir, and kept an eye on it. I noticed that it leaked only when the brakes had been used - it did not leak overnight for example.

Whilst at Le Mans, I topped up the resovoir a couple of times more, but found that the resovoir did not need any further topping up during or after the drive back to the UK.

These symptoms seem strange to me. The resovoir is not under any pressure, and therefor should leak whether the brakes were being used or not. I've been told that there are rubber(?) gromets on which the resovoir sits, and that these can be renewed.

My system has a PDA, and a large cap on the resovoir. There seem to be 4 Phillips screws holding the resovoir to the alloy part. If its relevent, the temp. in Le Mans was about 32 degrees C.

Can anybody shed any light on this problem and its cure.

>>> Edited by sprintmp on Thursday 20th June 00:02


39 posts

290 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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I'm not quite shore of the course of your problem, but if its any help it sounds like you have the earlier brake master cylinder that was fitted to Triumph TR6's may be one of the Triumph specialists would be able to help you. The Girling part number for the complete master cylinder is 64068822.


21,536 posts

292 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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What's a 3000M - is it some kind of Triumph.

I noticed one parked with TVR East Sussex - in Houx


2,190 posts

277 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Believe it or not, it's an early TVR

The one you saw in Houx looked rather good didn't it...


2,421 posts

292 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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What's a 3000M - is it some kind of Triumph.

Not quite - It's more like a real TVR (i.e. 3000S) but with a fixed hard top.


Original Poster:

379 posts

292 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Thanks jff. I'm not sure if its early or late. My layout is similar to that shown in the M parts manual on page 5.4/5.4a (from chassis 3278) It may be better to replace the whole unit.

Come on now Rev - one day you'll see the light and get a 'proper' TVR!

Terminator, I thought Ss were proper TVRs(ie 3000Ms), with their heads chopped off!


2,421 posts

292 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Funnily enough, when the US Magazine 'Road & Track' tested the 3000S in 1978, they called it a Taimar Roadster.

No need to buy a complete cylinder/reservoir kit, you can get a new seal kit which will solve your problem. Rimmer Bros do one www.rimmerbros.co.uk/cgi-bin/rimmer.bat?tr6/brakes-hyd#Brake%20Master%20Cylinder%20&%20Servo


Original Poster:

379 posts

292 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Thanks Colin. I'll have a look at the assembly on mine. I believe that there were a couple of different types - the one shown on Rimmer's page looks different to mine, although that may only be the drawing.

A Taimar roadster? Never heard that one. I have seen a log book for a TVR GT for a Vixen.

>> Edited by sprintmp on Thursday 20th June 16:41


2,421 posts

292 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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If you have the large cap and only two pipes to the brakes (as you quoted from the parts manual), then you have the TR6 variety. A smaller-cappped cylinder with 3 pipes (Ford Cortina Mk4) were fitted to later Ms series.


Original Poster:

379 posts

292 months

Thursday 20th June 2002
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Yes thats right Colin. Justin says mine seems to have the incorrect setup for its chassis number/year - should have the later type. (Tony this does NOT mean my car is now non-original!!!! )

Anyway have ordered the repair kit from Rimmers.


22 posts

272 months

Thursday 27th June 2002
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I have a 1977 TVR2500M and my brakes are leaking where the M/C is affixed to the booster...leaks fluid whether brakes under use or just sitting..can this be fixed or am I looking at new assembly
Tks in advance for any help


2,421 posts

292 months

Thursday 27th June 2002
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Again, sounds like a leaking seal. Get a new seal kit and this should solve the problem.


Original Poster:

379 posts

292 months

Sunday 28th July 2002
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An update on this topic.

I have the repair kit but havn't fitted it yet. The fluid didn't leak any more until last Friday (26th July), when it was very hot - like Le Mans. So, could it be a differing expansion problem (rubber vs alloy)? Just curious, and hope to fit the repair kit this week or next.