Early TVR Pictures

Early TVR Pictures


Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Sunday 22nd May 2016
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GAjon said:
Wow great shot John a little different to the car today great to see how the car has evolved over the years

Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Wednesday 8th June 2016
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Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Wednesday 13th July 2016
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Heading off to Lemans Classic 2016


Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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TVRMs said:
1972 3000M in rebuild phase. Awaiting trim.

That Colour is Beautiful absolutely stunning clap

Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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Daggsy said:
TVRMs said:
Took a leaf out of your book and went for.....

Is Black the new RED then.

Colour aside, I'm sure you will be very happy with the first class job Lee does.

Trim Unique must be the best TVR trimmer, we will be back when the Griff needs 'The Works'
I think When Johns car is finished there will be lots of Black copy cats its stunning and yes Trim Unique is amazing Lee is a rather talented boy

Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Tuesday 25th October 2016
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Received this high resolution picture today from Classic car tours a reminder to myself and others what our cars are really for.
We can polish them fettle them improve them but most of all we need to drive them and as they are TVRs drive them hard.
This picture was at the end of a Mad Dash of about 80 miles that morning to get one of our party to the train station so he could get back to England as his Mother in Law was taken seriously ill.
I was driving to get back to start the beginning of the Friday Navigation Rally well the drive was fun who needs track days.

Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Tuesday 29th November 2016
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Looks stunning can you post more picture please

Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Wednesday 30th November 2016
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Looks great Stew
In order to fit the center console you would need to re do the whole Dash i built this one recently what you have looks very nice though its a lot of work to alter


Edited by Andrew Gray on Thursday 1st December 00:02

Andrew Gray

Original Poster:

4,969 posts

152 months

Sunday 12th March 2017
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A few Pictures from the Kent Region Today

Bets placed on the next post ?

Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Sunday 7th May 2017
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Today at Brands Hatch



Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Friday 12th May 2017
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Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Monday 3rd July 2017
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A Great TVRCC Club day out in Kent at the Darling Buds Car show

Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Monday 3rd July 2017
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Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Saturday 15th July 2017
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2500 At Lydden Hill TVRCC Speed Championships Stunning Car Hank

Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Wednesday 12th September 2018
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TVRMs said:
Stunning John

Andrew Gray

Original Poster:

4,969 posts

152 months

Wednesday 12th September 2018
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Some of the Goodwood Revival cars


Andrew Gray

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4,969 posts

152 months

Wednesday 10th October 2018
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Here are some more pictures Richard

These where taken when i nearly bought the car after Jim advertised the car however he had second thoughts and decided to keep it and restore the car himself we have since become great friends and help each other out on the cars when needed.
Its slowly getting restored and will be great when finished.
It has needed a complete new chassis as the chassis broke in two many years ago after going to fast over a hump back bridge.
Engine was seized and block cracked so jim has really had his work cut out on her,


Andrew Gray

Original Poster:

4,969 posts

152 months

Saturday 13th October 2018
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Richardduv said:

My Tuscan V8SE LWB taken in 1973 near East Grinstead, Sussex. Where is it now ???
As your settings dont accept e mails it rather hard to put you in touch with Jim

Andrew Gray

Original Poster:

4,969 posts

152 months

Thursday 20th December 2018
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Andrew Gray

Original Poster:

4,969 posts

152 months

Tuesday 1st January 2019
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One made in Bristol the other made in Bristol Avenue
One no longer in use
Other going strong and used
One first flew in March 1969 and the other first rolled out of the factory in November 1969
One was the first passenger supersonic plane
Other was the first long wheel based TVR
RIP Concord may the TVR go on forever