Cars with full fibreglass monocoque?

Cars with full fibreglass monocoque?



Original Poster:

391 posts

190 months

Wednesday 4th December 2013
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I hate rust so the idea of a fibreglass monocoque appeals to me. Subframes acceptable but no backbone chassis like Lotus or full chassis most kit cars.
To be honest whilst I have a good knowledge about most cars those with fibreglass monocoques don't register very much.
I know of -
Lotus Elite,
Rochdale Olympic
Berkley (although they have riveted in alloy sections like sills - I had a T60)
Mini Marcos
Mini Jem
Mini Minus
Peel Viking (excluding P50 & Trident from this list)
Stewart & Ardern Hawk Sprint
Clan Crusader
Kingfisher Sprint

Anybody add others to the list I've missed ?


Paul H


Original Poster:

391 posts

190 months

Wednesday 4th December 2013
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Shame about the GTM - always assumed fibreglass but after looking at some restoration pics realise they have a steel "punt" that the panels are attached.

Paul h


Original Poster:

391 posts

190 months

Wednesday 4th December 2013
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guru_1071 said:
the steel punt is what kills gtm coupes as well, they rot furiously and are a swine to repair as you have to (normally) take the grp top off to do it - which ends up as a full rebuild.

I was lucky with mine, its had only ever done 500 miles and was perfect.

the advantage of the punt is that its pretty strong, and the grp is all unstressed so it nice and thin - all the weight is low down so they handle pretty good
Is the steel punt bonded or bolted / riveted to the grp body ?

Paul H