Filby replys!!



Original Poster:

369 posts

251 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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And I quote from Peter Filby:

"I've been banned by assistant editor Wilkins and the rest of the team (who's in charge around here?) from making any comments about the intelligent, constructive and very friendly encouragement being printed about both which kit? and myself in a certain mag. But at the end of what has been a somewhat torrid year I insist on saying thanks to all of you who've offered to us your kind comments and support over "you know what". We're a happy, positive and confident bunch of professional people here at which kit?, so we've had no problems rising above all the tittle-tattle - even if it really does defy belief."

"Advertising pages, and the income they generate, are vital to any magazine, but magazines exist primarily to provide good reading. Which kits? last issue had 132 pages of which 63 were editorial. That represents a reading material percentage of 48.2 percent. Considerably better than some magazines, I believe"

So there you go, Filby at long last responds to KCM's comments...for all you out there wondering where Den is, I feel that I've just light the blue touch paper - and he'll be along real soon

Wacky Racer

38,740 posts

252 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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mattstead said:
And I quote from Peter Filby:

"I've been banned by assistant editor Wilkins and the rest of the team (who's in charge around here?) from making any comments about the intelligent, constructive and very friendly encouragement being printed about both which kit? and myself in a certain mag. But at the end of what has been a somewhat torrid year I insist on saying thanks to all of you who've offered to us your kind comments and support over "you know what". We're a happy, positive and confident bunch of professional people here at which kit?, so we've had no problems rising above all the tittle-tattle - even if it really does defy belief."

"Advertising pages, and the income they generate, are vital to any magazine, but magazines exist primarily to provide good reading. Which kits? last issue had 132 pages of which 63 were editorial. That represents a reading material percentage of 48.2 percent. Considerably better than some magazines, I believe"

So there you go, Filby at long last responds to KCM's comments...for all you out there wondering where Den is, I feel that I've just light the blue touch paper - and he'll be along real soon

I read this too...Lol!, but what will bring Uncle Den out of hibernation even quicker is when he hears what a WK? readers letter had to say this month, and I quote......

"Your competitor magazine (Kit car) probably couldn't even build an airfix kit!"

Well, I suppose Den did say Fib's couldn't tell a spanner from a spatula....

One thing I did notice about WK? was it seemed very "thin" this month, with hardly any private cars for sale in the back (around 27 I think), but I suppose it is December.......

I am not taking any sides here, because I have always bought WK? as well as Kit Car.( and I fancy Amy Filby,) but I think Den is slowly winning the battle......


1,315 posts

252 months

Friday 19th December 2003
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I know Den has seen the Filby comments.

He didn't mention the readers letter though.

Before you ask . . . . no I haven't heard from him since Tuesday. You never know, he might have been forced to spend a little 'quality time' with his wife, Xmas shopping and the like. . . . picking out a new jumper? . . . . a prize for PeetBee or Spartan_Andy?


805 posts

253 months

Friday 19th December 2003
quotequote all
Wacky Racer said:

mattstead said:
. . . . .he'll be along real soon

I read this too...Lol!, but what will bring Uncle Den out of hibernation even quicker is when he hears what a WK? readers letter had to say this month, and I quote......

"Your competitor magazine (Kit car) probably couldn't even build an airfix kit!"

Well, I suppose Den did say Fib's couldn't tell a spanner from a spatula....

One thing I did notice about WK? was it seemed very "thin" this month, with hardly any private cars for sale in the back (around 27 I think), but I suppose it is December.......

I am not taking any sides here, because I have always bought WK? as well as Kit Car.( and I fancy Amy Filby,) but I think Den is slowly winning the battle......

Actually Wacky I also said that I reckoned that he couldn’t tell a transaxle from a transvestite.

As for Matt reckoning he’s lit the fuse. I think not. My interpretation is that Fib’s staff have advised him to keep his gob shut. Every time he’s opened it so far I’ve quoted his words back (along with illustrations). It’s difficult to argue with your own words. So keep ‘em coming Fib’s. I love the ignorance of them:-

Fibs said:
Advertising pages. . . .are vital. . . .but magazines exist primarily to provide good reading. Which Kit?’s last issue had 132 pages of which 63 2/3 were editorial. That represents a reading material percentage of 48.2%. Considerably better than some magazines, I believe!

Isn’t this his cop-out for the fact that he just can’t secure advertising bookings? How does he account for the success of Exchange and Mart?

I reckon all 212 pages of Kit Car are read. Frankly I’m surprised that Fib’s admits that 51.8% of Which Kit?’s meagre 116 pages isn’t worthy of being read. Can’t say that I disagree though.

With 4 worthless and/or misleading ads for 3 RV Dynamics products (one being a repeat ) one can easily appreciate why Fib’s regards his ads pages as worthless, mere filler material. By the time you take out his subs, books, Razer, Stafford show and see what genuine advertising he’s got left one can really appreciate its worthlessness

I’ve also noticed how the editorial has become thinner in that articles are spread further to take up more space. Take the DAX article for example, which has been extended to fill 7 pages. Something Which Kit? would never have done a couple of years ago. It’s the same throughout. Two pages of contents for 45 pages of editorial is another example of watering down. In fact every article could occupy half its allocated space and thus it could contain twice the reading. Instead it has about as much text as the Beano and it can be read as quickly.

As Wacky said
Wacky Racer said:
but I think Den is slowly winning the battle......

It’s only a matter of time.


>> Edited by kitcarman on Friday 19th December 23:18


8,644 posts

252 months

Friday 19th December 2003
quotequote all
kitcarman said:
Every time he’s opened it so far I’ve quoted his words back (along with illustrations).

Den, I don't think you'd know HOW to post without illustrations/emoticons/smilies or whatever


805 posts

253 months

Friday 19th December 2003
quotequote all
Flintstone said:

kitcarman said:
Every time he’s opened it so far I’ve quoted his words back (along with illustrations).

Den, I don't think you'd know HOW to post without illustrations/emoticons/smilies or whatever
FatherTed said:
Feck Orf


8,644 posts

252 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
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Awww, that's not nice Den.

Filby is the Master of Spin though. I mean, the Labour Party would be proud to have him on board.

"Let's see, sales are down, massage the figures! If we count all the people who pick up the mag in the newsagents, flick through it and bung it back on the shelf that'll help!"


"Advertising's down. I know! Let's say we planned it that way to concentrate on editorial content! Oh, and as for the latter. Tell everyone to write their articles in reeeaallly big letters with lots of pictures so as to spread it out."

Yeah, right


15,242 posts

262 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
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Dear Doctor Den,
Over the last few months I have found myself in a predicament. Having grown up with the works of P.Fribly important in my life, indeed contributing to the wasting of a not inconsiderable amount of time fiddling with 3 kit-cars, I have tried hard recently to do the decent thing and kick the disgusting habit. Initially I cancelled my subscription, hoping this would rid me of the evil. I subscribed to Doctor Den's Cure-All Comic, with it's big spoonfuls of delicious integrity. But sadly this has not been enough, today I wandered trance-like into WH Smiths in Colchester and wasted £3.50 on 110-odd pages of lightweight drivel bolstered by sycophantic readers letters. I long for the days when 'Component Car' would take me a decent length bath-time to read, when 'Alternative Cars' would last longer than one sitting on the toilet. I have been critical of much of 'Kit~car' magazine over the years, the US stuff bores me, Ian Ayre's party political broadcasts became tiring years ago, but even if I ignore THEM there's more interesting stuff than today's purchase.
Thing is, on Thursday 15th Jan. can everyone mail me and shout NOOOOOO!!!

Desperate of Hedingham


34,443 posts

308 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
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I think there should be a New Year's resolution to talk Kit Cars rather than er... something else


1,225 posts

269 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
quotequote all
Flintstone said:

"Advertising's down. I know! Let's say we planned it that way to concentrate on editorial content! Oh, and as for the latter. Tell everyone to write their articles in reeeaallly big letters with lots of pictures so as to spread it out."

Yeah, right

Next they'll including adverts from manufacturers even though they havn't asked or paid for them.

Wacky Racer

38,740 posts

252 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
quotequote all
andycanam said:

Flintstone said:

"Advertising's down. I know! Let's say we planned it that way to concentrate on editorial content! Oh, and as for the latter. Tell everyone to write their articles in reeeaallly big letters with lots of pictures so as to spread it out."

Yeah, right

Next they'll including adverts from manufacturers even though they havn't asked or paid for them.

Yeah, nice little dig at Den there Andy.....

AND, I can see where you are coming from

BUT, the fact remains, even if you took out the few adverts you refer to, (why Den ever saw the need to include them in the first place is beyond me) PLUS the pages with contain the anti Fibs attacks, PLUS we will say another twenty pages for good measure, (let's call it padding), THE FACT REMAINS Kit Car still contains over 50 PAGES MORE than WK? for 10p LESS....

I am not saying this to put down WK?, because I have always bought BOTH mags, and will continue to do so, these are simply the FACTS of the matter.

WK? imo has some decent articles in it most months, and is worth buying for Nigel (detail) Dean's input alone.


805 posts

253 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
quotequote all
Errrrr, Ted.
A quite word in your ear. I have tried! Honest!.

Problem seems to be that this lot can’t leave the subject alone any more than I can. Look at the threads they started in the last couple of days in an attempt to set me off on one again.

I just can’t imagine a situation where Fib’swill remain silent from here on. Nor can I imagine other forum members not mentioning what he has to say.

He’s just produced what is IMHO the thinnest, most diluted dollop of drivel I’ve seen wearing a £3.50 price tag. Not only that but he’s attempting to market it’s skinny proportions as a virtue.

I believe it was inevitable that such nonsense is going to become subject of further discussion. Particularly in the light of Fib’s own pontifications concerning the quality, integrity, value and superiority of his product. It’s also interesting that other forums are beginning to notice and discuss the absence of objectivity (or possibly the shallowness) in what little is in the editorial of that magazine.

What I’m saying is that the problems I’ve been banging on about are finally being noticed by the wider kit car community. We’ve got beyond discussing the obvious issues concerning overt advertising irregularities.

I believe posts such as those from Freg, Flintstone and Wacky (all of whom were once or are still Which Kit? readers ) are astute in that they’re noticing that even that which is the supposedly good (or best) parts are in fact shallow, hollow and unrealistic.

I think members of this forum would be best served by debating why. Because I believe that answer is THE point I’ve been trying to make all along.



805 posts

253 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
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andycanam said:
Next they'll including adverts from manufacturers even though they havn't asked or paid for them.
They’ve been doing that for years and to a greater extent than I have.

Where do you think I got the idea from?

For a start there are 4 questionable adverts for the 3 products of RV Dynamics. Another for Razer.

Then there are a great many adverts for genuine third-parties who have not booked them.

Those I KNOW of include Glassplies (page 100), Powervamp (page 102), Black Bull (page 105) and Deuville (page 109).

I’m not going to list them here to avoid drawing in third parties, but I strongly suspect that a further 9 ads (many of them large) might be published as fillers.

If I’m right, Which Kit? carries more freebies than does Kit Car. Certainly on an area (as opposed to numerical) basis.

What’s more, I’m not planing to be running free ads anymore. The “shameless” practice is being stopped and that shall become more evident as pre-printed advertising sections are replaced.


PS. Thanks Wacky, for your sensible contribution.


34,443 posts

308 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
quotequote all
Den, Den, Den... STOP IT NOW!

Please, please, please continue to grow your mag on its strengths or enjoy your leisure time for what it is. Chewing on this bone for the rest of your life will leave a very sour taste in your mouth!

Rise above it and move on...

jangles keys as he can't take much more of this


34,443 posts

308 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
quotequote all
kitcarman said:
Errrrr, Ted.
A quite word in your ear. I have tried! Honest!.

Problem seems to be that this lot can’t leave the subject alone

You need a standard response then!


805 posts

253 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
quotequote all
Point taken Ted..

You started this thread. Any chance of starting a new one? Please???

Your track day theme was a good one. It was also positive and well received. Did you make any further progress?



Original Poster:

369 posts

251 months

Saturday 20th December 2003
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Yes lots of progress, but very much on my own.....don't get me started, I'm not in the mood.

Give me a minute and I'll come up with a topic, a kitcar related one.


Original Poster:

369 posts

251 months

Sunday 21st December 2003
quotequote all
There you go Den, 4 new topics , one action day organised, a full time job held down, a house being rebuilt, a prenant wife a Ginetta in pieces, and numerous magazine articles half written with no enthusiasm to complete...........happy now?

>> Edited by mattstead on Sunday 21st December 08:46


11,682 posts

259 months

Sunday 21st December 2003
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PetrolTed said:
Den, Den, Den... STOP IT NOW!
Chewing on this bone for the rest of your life will leave a very sour taste in your mouth!

I'm personally sick of it. - This forum is for the dicussion of kit cars - not Kit car magazines.
If you want to talk about respective magazines - setup a Yahoo group - although i suspect there will be only one member.
Other people should also stop goading(sp?) Den into replying also. It was a larf a few months ago, but its getting boring now.

And no, i cant be bothered to insert a zillion emotiwhatsits into every post.