Caterham or other - what to get??

Caterham or other - what to get??


Paul Drawmer

Original Poster:

4,923 posts

272 months

Friday 1st February 2002
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I am looking into getting a 'sevenesque' car.

I know and like the Caterham a lot.
However, there are others which seem to be pretty good, for more fun per pound.
I think the Tiger looks good, seems well developed, and not so expensive. I've seen Robin Hoods, and wonder what all that iron near the wheels is doing, but as you can tell, I'm no expert.
So, what are the merits of other seven type cars??
If you can give some objective info - I'd love to hear it


11,821 posts

289 months

Friday 1st February 2002
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Depends on how much of the work you want to do really. A factory built Caterham or Westfield is built to a pretty damn good standard with a lot of manufacturer specific parts. If you self-build this means that everything will fit together nicely and it'll just be like a big meccano set.

However, if you're a bit more adept with a set of spanners, a Tiger, Robin or Locost might be far more satisfying and with the latter, you have as much choice as you like as far as parts supply goes. Having built a race Locost (and half way through another), I can thoroughly recommend it - make sure you've got the space though!

There's no reason why a completely self built car can't be as good as, or in fact better than a mainstream version. You'll save a shedload and will know the car inside out too.

So, a Caterfield will cost anywhere between 8 and 20k (excluding R500 etc.) whereas a Tiger/Robin/Locost will be more like 5k. Bike engined versions will set you back around 7-10k.

If you want to know more have a look at

Cheers - oh, and you won't regret it for a moment!!!


4,406 posts

274 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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I'm in a similar situation to Paul.

Are there any manufacturers to stay clear of ?

Also, what are opinions like regarding build-your-own Vs buying a completed second hand example ..... do you save much in the money stakes, is it a dangerous minefield, etc.

Is it possible to build one of these cars in a std sized garage ?


7,578 posts

289 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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I bought my Superlight R already built. I know they say you can build them yourself, and I take my hat off to people like Stig who can. Not me, though, as it would mean too many visits to A&E or the psychiatrist I think!

Whatever you do, good luck! Huge huge fun.


11,821 posts

289 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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Like buying anything, the larger manufacturers offer greater peace of mind, but the service won't necessarily be any better - maybe worse.

Caterham, Westfield, Tiger, Robin Hood are all long-established and aren't likely to disappear overnight. At the end of the day, the majority of Seven parts are interchangeable anyway being based on the illustrious MK2 Escort or more recently, Sierra for De-Dion or IRS versions, so you'd be unlikely to have too much of a problem.

Buying secondhand is fine. A factory finished car will be of a consistent standard, but, a hand built car that has had many hours lavished on it may be better built than even these. First looks count for a lot, if it looks a bit rough - then it usually is. An engine bay, for example, if neatly piped/cabled will give a fair indication of the car that's gone into the overall construction.

If in doubt, then get it checked by someone who knows.


3 posts

274 months

Wednesday 27th February 2002
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i run a formula 27 with zx-12r kawasaki has around 180 bhp in 450kgs of sevenesque car.their build quality and price can't be beaten


8,564 posts

289 months

Thursday 28th February 2002
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I know I'm gonna be shot down here but to a degree you get what you pay for.
I had a Westfield for 8 years and it was great fun but never felt quite 100%.
Then I got a Caterham and found out why they cost more.
It felt so much more sorted and on track was in a different league of feel and fun. Forget lap time as these are not what you're buying it for, in the Caterham I could play with it and know it would behave and be controllable, the steering is a delight and full of feedback.
The Westfield on track was probably just as quick but had that edgy feeling and lack of feedback that wasn't half as enjoyable and didn't inspire confidence.

Caterhams have so much better build quality and they have put in years and years of development and about 100 times more investment that most of the others, and they're the real McCoy, not a copy.

My advice, get a Caterham if you can possibly affard it and enjoy.

Just my 2p worth

>> Edited by bertie on Thursday 28th February 10:50


29,499 posts

284 months

Sunday 3rd March 2002
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Been out on track many times in Sevens and 'seven types'.

They punch it out for 'quickest' - but Caterham are a class above for quality feel, and a confident drive - everything on the Seven seems just so well sorted - they have, after all, been doing it for nearly 50 years.

If you can afford the extra, get a Seven, but you'll still have a blast in a Seven copy - especially a Westie. The bike engined examples are a real blast.



31 posts

270 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Get a Sylva Striker or a Mojo - Caterhams are nice but very expensive - you won't notice much difference in the driving experience on the road - they are all uncomfortable at speed without sidescreens - flat almost upright windscreens don't help (Mojo has a curved screen) and with sidescreens you get a stiff shoulder as elbow room is very limited (Caterham screens are scalloped which helps a bit). For the price of a Caterham you could get a Gardner Douglas Cobra clone - very comfortable ride and compared to a seven almost practical (doors,huge boot) and these are the best handling of the cobras.


1,312 posts

281 months

Tuesday 5th March 2002
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Get a Dare G4!