Dave Pepper and "Which Kit"

Dave Pepper and "Which Kit"



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38,735 posts

252 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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OK Kitcarman, I've posted a new thread like you asked, it's all yours

Let's hope the story won't be


805 posts

253 months

Saturday 27th September 2003
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Ferg said:
I'm glad to be able to call Dave Pep a mate and for ANYONE to take him for a ride is just dispicable. He told me the full story in a phone call soon after the police incident and I stood open mouthed....

Perhaps Ferg will be prepared to say what he knows. That might help keep me out of the poo.


15,242 posts

262 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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I'm not sure that I want to, I know little of the legal ramifications of what's published on a public forum.
I've known Dave since building an Arrow in the 80's and have held Filby in high regard for the same sort of time. I bought Alternative Cars and Component Car etc and it seemed like he was keeping the industry going on his own. I was delighted when he decided to 'help' Dave and the way I feel about him now and the refusal to renew my 'Which Kit' subscription are an indication of how low I think he's sunk.

I've just written and deleted a few notes, I didn't have the nerve to 'Submit' sorry


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38,735 posts

252 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Ferg said:
I'm not sure that I want to, I know little of the legal ramifications of what's published on a public forum.
I've known Dave since building an Arrow in the 80's and have held Filby in high regard for the same sort of time. I bought Alternative Cars and Component Car etc and it seemed like he was keeping the industry going on his own. I was delighted when he decided to 'help' Dave and the way I feel about him now and the refusal to renew my 'Which Kit' subscription are an indication of how low I think he's sunk.

I've just written and deleted a few notes, I didn't have the nerve to 'Submit' sorry

It's OK Ferg, I can understand your dilema, I think your posting says it all. I think all this is a great shame, cos' I am sure even Den would agree hand on heart that Filby's done a lot for the industry over the years, and basically put's out a good mag, even though the words might stick in his throat.

It is quite obvious Fib's is no , at the Cheshire kit car show THIS year, on the "Which Kit" stand, I asked him why the "Sumo" wasn't going to feature in his new Cobra book (this was before I knew anything about all this ill feeling) and he said the owner of Pilgrim, Den Tanner had banned him from featuring it, even though he wanted to include it,( which I did not believe for a minute.)


805 posts

253 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Ferg said:
I'm not sure that I want to. . . the way I feel about him now and the refusal to renew my 'Which Kit' subscription are an indication of how low I think he's sunk.

I've just written and deleted a few notes, I didn't have the nerve to 'Submit' sorry

Please don’t take this as criticism, but isn’t your stance, and that of others like you, what’s causing a lot of my problems?

The truth is that the truth needs saying otherwise not only would Dave have suffered further, but Filby would by now have somebody else in his sights. You could be witness to one aspect of the truth but you’re shy! No wonder Fib’s thinks he has no reason to stop what he’s doing and why he feels he has no reason to explain himself.

It seems that I alone am the only person willing to put my head above the parapet. When I do, I stand accused of being pathetic, childish and unprofessional. The reason for that is that nobody is prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder with me, Dave or anybody else.

Have you noticed that not a single word has been spoken in defense of Fib’s. I find the silence of the manufacturers particularly telling (not to mention disappointing) – you’d think they’d have good reason to participate wouldn’t you?

PS. This might sound like a sad rant, but I’m not actually that sad. I've learnt to stand alone. It would just be that much easier if the support that I know is out there was made public.


805 posts

253 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Ferg said:

My advice is : Don't deal with Filby.
Readers of this forum can accept that as my advice...they don't have to take it.

. . . Kit Car is a poor magazine compared with 'Which Kit?', but I'm putting up with it? Why can't it be printed with the same production values as 'Which Kit?'. . .

So there it is, down with Filby, improve Kit~Car and continue to fight. . . don't shove it down everyone's throat.

Actually Ferg, I’ve found this contribution BY FAR the most helpful so far. You are the only person that has openly recognized the good/evil aspect of my struggle and has chosen Kit Car over Which Kit? on the basis of integrity.

I’m addressing every one of the production issues raised and believe that you shall see steady improvements. As for my shoving this matter too hard, it IS being toned down now that the message has been received. I dare say there will be further debate on this forum whilst others ‘twig’ what you know through Dave and what I know first-hand.


15,242 posts

262 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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I'm not sure how far your toungue is in your cheek, Den, when you mention the good v. evil fight!
Certainly I couldn't care less about your argument with Filby while it went on, we've never met (although it might be nice one day) so you're virtually a faceless publisher to me. When he decided to take his arrogance out on Dave though.....
I've spoken to some long term kit people at shows since the AF debacle and the feeling is the same, everyone sees Dave as one of the 'good guys'.

Filby's behaviour now is all your fault, of course. You dared to challenge what he sees as his rightful place at the top of the tree.

I don't know how long the good people of this forum can take my rambling rubbish


548 posts

254 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Ferg said:
Why have I NEVER received the Wunoff Exhaust I allegedly won in Steve Hole's Mystery Car Competition several months ago?

Nicely skirted that one Den so I thought I'd raise it again for Ferg just in case he's too nice to

Cheers John

For a Kit Car/Which Kit free environment choose Madabout-kitcars.com


15,242 posts

262 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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I am, as you say, too nice to mention it again. Nice to see 'madabout' back again!!


805 posts

253 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Ferg said:
. . .not sure how far your tongue is in your cheek, Den, when you mention the good v. evil fight!

. . .you're virtually a faceless publisher to me. When he decided to take his arrogance out on Dave though.....
. . .everyone sees Dave as one of the 'good guys'.

Filby's behaviour now is all your fault, of course. You dared to challenge what he sees as his rightful place at the top of the tree.

I don't know how long the good people of this forum can take my rambling rubbish

If you see my rambling postings you’ll see that my opinion is that I am indeed exposing bad (evil) practice by publishing (good) truth. To that extent my hand is on my heart.

You’ve taken a view that you won’t buy Which Kit? because you know about what Fib’s did to Dave. Well, I’m saying that he did worse to me and assert that there are a string of other’s who’ve been similarly ‘done-in’ or ‘done-down’. I’ve lost a business and even a way of life to what Fib’s admitted was a pack of lies. As soon as that argument was resolved he asserted that I didn’t win, then turned his guns on Kit Car.

My reaction was to publish allegations in Kit Car concerning Which Kit? integrity, one of which concerns Dave Pepper’s AF Sports. All I’m saying is that your testimony in that one area helps me, and all the more so given that I’m “a faceless publisher” to you. The more who similarly contribute will add to the “ring of truth” that is characteristic in all I’m saying.

You’ve done just that, added to the “ring of truth” and for that I’m grateful. I personally don’t regard what you say as rambling, even less rubbish and I’d encourage you to post more regularly because what you say is sensible, considered and balanced IMHO.

PS The exhaust business is news to me. I'll look into the matter.

>> Edited by kitcarman on Sunday 28th September 17:34


Original Poster:

38,735 posts

252 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Ferg wrote:
I don't know how long the good people of this forum can take my rambling rubbish

Blimey! All this is better than Corrie! (imo)


548 posts

254 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Ferg said:
Nice to see 'madabout' back again!!

Cheers Ferg.


15,242 posts

262 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Tell you what Supersix, I could write a Kitcar soap. Peter Filby.....he'd be buried under the patio.


15,242 posts

262 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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My testimony, Den, can be no more than the unbridled excitement in the e-mails I received from Dave when he realised he could have another go at what he's really good at and his assertion that 'info has come to light I didn't like' when he split from Filby.

BTW I tried to mail you off this site but it came back. Can you mail me?


805 posts

253 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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He'd be buried under the patio.

I wish...........

Like you, I've been in contact with Dave and really felt for him in the uncertain period. I can't understand why folk are so anti my agenda in respect to AF (Fib's version), 'Monty' Python and Razor. All will end in somebody crying. I reckon it should be Fib's for a change.

>> Edited by kitcarman on Sunday 28th September 18:31


1,315 posts

252 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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kitcarman said:

It seems that I alone am the only person willing to put my head above the parapet. When I do, I stand accused of being pathetic, childish and unprofessional. The reason for that is that nobody is prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder with me, Dave or anybody else.

I don't think anyone feels you've been unprofessional on the subject of Dave. In truth it seems it's something we all need to know, but you are really unable to print, due to legal implications.


805 posts

253 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Ex-Biker said:

I don't think anyone feels you've been unprofessional on the subject of Dave. In truth it seems it's something we all need to know, but you are really unable to print, due to legal implications.

There’s 1/3 of page 105 dealing with the AF Sports that was designed to warn customers not to buy from Fib’s. As I’ve already said, it did the job. I believe the other 5/3 that make up this spread are equally valid, 100% accurate and represent an extremely brave and professional way of warning potential customers. Yet look at this:-
Ex-Biker said:

kitcarman said:

So you’re not kidding when you say it’s bitchy are you? What I’m asking is whether its “pathetic, childish or unprofessional”. That was the charge!

Unprofessional. A resounding Yes!

It certainly seems to me that my working with Dave was regarded as unprofessional.



Original Poster:

38,735 posts

252 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Ferg said:
Tell you what Supersix, I could write a Kitcar soap. Peter Filby.....he'd be buried under the patio.

What would it be called Ferg?... Con a nation Street...


15,242 posts

262 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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1,315 posts

252 months

Sunday 28th September 2003
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Adverts showing Mr Filby as a 'Bent Editor' and 'Which Kit - The End is Neigh' etc, I still feel are Unprofessional.

Not knowing the full story behind the advertising slur on p104, 105 to a first time reader (as I was last month) does seem a little pathetic. IMHO I think the article (slur) could have been written in a more professional manner. I would not have known the truth if it hadn't have been spotted on this forum that the article and one of your adverts were of the same company. How many of your readers who do not read this forum could make that mistake?

Something in print showing that Dave has severed all ties with Mr Filby might not go a miss.