Kit Car magazine Barred from Donnington!

Kit Car magazine Barred from Donnington!



Original Poster:

805 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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For the fifth consecutive year, Kit Car magazine has been barred from attending the Donnington kit car show.

Tempretures are even hotter this year in that Kit Car's editor, Ian Hyne, and advertising executive, Tom Saunders, have been told by Which Kit's Mr Filby that they won't be allowed in - even as normal fee paying customers.

Anyone got a view on this?

>>> Edited by kitcarman on Tuesday 2nd September 01:03


8,871 posts

272 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Where did you get the information? Did Mr Filby put this in writing? If so you must have some sort of case.


Original Poster:

805 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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He has put it in writing in the past but not recently (except a snide remark in the September issue about his being the only magazine there).

Anyway. A case for what?


8,871 posts

272 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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A case for discrimination, how can he bar someone from a public show?


1,217 posts

284 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Unfortunately, as with anything (footbal, cinema, whatever) the organiser has the right to refuse admission.

I am sure there will be an article in Kit Car to let its readers & advertisers know the situation.

It is clearly a tactic to try and discredit KC and prevent it gaining more market share.

Not surprised



135 posts

252 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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I’m more concerned I’ve been demoted from Advertising/Marketing Manager to Ad Executive!!!!


Original Poster:

805 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Sparks said:

I am sure there will be an article in Kit Car to let its readers & advertisers know the situation.

I think half the problem is there has NOT been reference to this matter in Kit Car.

Same applies to all the other stuff that has remained unsaid. That was until June this year when 5 years worth came out at once.


Original Poster:

805 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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tombs said:
I’m more concerned I’ve been demoted from Advertising/Marketing Manager to Ad Executive!!!!



5,782 posts

269 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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I've only glanced through kit car magazine but am interested to know about this, I was planning to get to this show aswell.

Whats wrong with Kit Car magazine then? What have they done wrong?


2,718 posts

280 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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robp said:
Whats wrong with Kit Car magazine then? What have they done wrong?

To learn that just read through the various 'battle of the magazines' and 'kit car v which kit' threads on this forum...


Original Poster:

805 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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robp said:

Whats wrong with Kit Car magazine then? What have they done wrong?

If you ask me - nothing - but I'm biased.
PistonHeads generally seemed (past tense) to hold Kit Car in low esteme - but were ignorant as to the facts until I started communication.
Which Kit couldn't hack the competition, I reckon.

Why don't you tell me what's wrong with Kit Car? Follow the Kit Car is Crap? thread to find out how.


15 posts

254 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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I agree that the general feeling was one of unease regarding Kit Cars attack on Which Kit. Having heard one side of the story the general feeling seems to have changed. I'd like to hear the other side of the story before making my mind up, any news on the othe side of the story peetbee?


8,290 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Surely he is not going to stand by the entrance all day ready to throw you out?!

I'd be tempted to go as joepublic, and take a friend whose face is not known who has a camera.

The pictures if you are forcibly ejected from Donington should make interesting viewing, and will probably do the other corner no favours in this "Whose mag is better?" debate!


Original Poster:

805 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Only a couple of days ago everybody but everybody was telling me to keep my 'pathetic' and 'petty squabbles' out of my magazine.

Seems I'm now being encouraged to go out and set the scene for a stonker of a story.

Seriously though, there are means to keep away 'persona non-grata' w/o building a moat or employing a bouncer. My question was not so much about what I do about being barred, but rather what you think about the fact that I'm put in that position in the first place.

Is it good for the industry? Good for the paying public? Good for Kit Car mag?

Come to that, is it good for Which Kit?

>> Edited by kitcarman on Tuesday 2nd September 16:03


1,217 posts

284 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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I don't think any of it is good for the industry. It certainly isn't good for Kit Car, and will look bad on Which Kit? when this is (which I'm sure it will be, and rightly so) made public. The die hard kit people will know what is going on, but new people, or those on the fringes may not know why Kit Car is not at the main Kit show, and may form opinion based around that.

As the original PH reaction to Kit Car's content on the subject showed, the initial reaction of the ill informed may not be good.
As someone mentioned previously, it is hard enough to keep good inovative companies going, without the industries two main public faces appearing to be at loggerheads.

It all needs sorting out.



8,290 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Of course my comments were totally light-hearted!

IMHO By banning Kit Car from Donington, WK are just stoking the fire really....

We all know that in recent issues Den has let off a good few years worth of steam, and WK has been very silent on the matter.... until this banning!

Any in-fighting between the two mags is not good for the industry, wheras healthy competition for readership is.... as it helps raise and maintain standards.

I am not apportioning blame to anyone, as I do not possess 100% of the facts from both sides.

But banning a rival mag from a public/trade exhibition is a pointless exercise as it will acheive nothing (Okay, it will stop one mag from publishing a full and lengthy review of the show in a future issue) but there is no long-term goal that will be achieved.

Tip of the day to all concerned..... "You are a long time dead"


Original Poster:

805 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Very well put Sparks, and if I might say it won't get sorted unless the protagonist joins the debate. It may well be that he has some good points to make in his defence and I don't claim to be angelic. However, excluding me from his football pitch smacks of the adult form of 'taking the ball home'.

Can he wonder at my throwing my teddy? Having said that, I haven't thrown this particular teddy - not yet anyway.

>> Edited by kitcarman on Tuesday 2nd September 16:50


Original Poster:

805 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Meeja said:

IMHO By banning Kit Car from Donington, WK are just stoking the fire really....

I am not apportioning blame to anyone, as I do not possess 100% of the facts from both sides.

But banning a rival mag from a public/trade exhibition is a pointless exercise as it will acheive nothing.

There are numerous respects in which Which Kit? are pouring petrol on an already hotly burning inferno. As debate progresses this will come out. That's why we have to hear their side of the story.

Why haven't they said anything?


8,290 posts

253 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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kitcarman said:

Why haven't they said anything?


I am a relative newcomer to the scene, and had originally set my stall out to build a cobra replica.

I saw the WK advert for the "Ultimate Cobra Guide"... coming soon... and believed that I would get a balanced view of all the cobra replica manufacturers.

I then read the articles in KitCar about the court case, the "shutting out" of Pilgrim as a manufacturer etc etc....

Having read the allegations/accusations/call them what you will levelled at WK, I would like to read a response too.

I'm sure I am not alone as a newcomer.... you expect the mags that service the industry to give you help... not confuse you further!!

Justin s

3,653 posts

266 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2003
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Den, is it not a tit for tat thing and organise your own shows? Perhaps invite the 'Pit Shit' magazine and put them next to the portaloos?