2017 shows, first up Autosport

2017 shows, first up Autosport


Stuart Mills

Original Poster:

1,208 posts

217 months

Thursday 22nd December 2016
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A huge show and always extremely well attended.
Some kit car manufacturers will be exhibiting.
They include MEV on stand 2945 with Exocet and Replicar, GBS, ESC plus others I understand.

Stuart Mills

Original Poster:

1,208 posts

217 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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also noted from TKC that Aries will have a kit on show. 4 manufacturers, not many considering how many firms there are but a good selection for all to see.

spyder dryver

1,330 posts

227 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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Given the ever reducing number of kit car shows at which to ply their wares, why do you think there are so few manufacturers at Autosport Stuart?

one eyed mick

1,189 posts

172 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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COST ! In general kit car companies are small and perhaps full staff is 2 people ,to prep, and man stand for perhaps 2 days then retrieve stand to works could be 6 days plus transport , accomodation and eats for perhaps a couple of sales just not sensible


775 posts

251 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Tiger Racing and Avatar will also be there, and I'm sure there will be others to discover on the day.

Complete Kit Car will have a stand there in Hall 19. OK, it is expensive to be at a show for five days (including set-up) but if you don't do it how are people going to know we exist?

Stuart Mills

Original Poster:

1,208 posts

217 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Judging "show or no" by pure economic considerations is one way of looking at it. But let us consider that the NEC will be rammed with over 80,000 visitors over 4 hectic days. Most of whom are petrol heads and therefore many will be interested in building a car and some just hadn't realised that they should.
So thankfully some of us are still flying the kit car flag thus supporting our industry.
The atmosphere is electric, a vibrant show with almost too much to see. I love it.
Anyone concerned about costs can take a pile of GRP seats or sets of lights and make a killing. Stalls often sell out of stock at this one.
I sincerely hope that the kit car firms that have gone to the expense and effort are rewarded with a river of money flowing into their pockets.
As a show gesture we are offering Exocet comprehensive kits at only £2595 and a whopping £1000 off Replicar at only £4995.
Too much for some to resist no doubt.
In my experience it is always best to offer a deal at shows of this type as many will be drawn in but not close a deal unless a carrot is dangled. There are always cash machines for those wishing to place an order and pay £100 holding deposit.

Any special deals on the CKC stand?

Stuart Mills

Original Poster:

1,208 posts

217 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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still not tempted?


5,477 posts

161 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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AdamWilkins said:
Tiger Racing and Avatar will also be there, and I'm sure there will be others to discover on the day.

Complete Kit Car will have a stand there in Hall 19. OK, it is expensive to be at a show for five days (including set-up) but if you don't do it how are people going to know we exist?
Hopefully see you there. smile


775 posts

251 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Stuart Mills said:
Any special deals on the CKC stand?
Yep, we'll be doing subs for £42 (so £3.23 an issue over a year... less than a cheap round in the pub!) and discounts on our range of books too.

Free 2017 calendars, too!


775 posts

251 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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HorneyMX5 said:
Hopefully see you there. smile

Stuart Mills

Original Poster:

1,208 posts

217 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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AdamWilkins said:
Yep, we'll be doing subs for £42 (so £3.23 an issue over a year... less than a cheap round in the pub!) and discounts on our range of books too.

Free 2017 calendars, too!
Adam really, you used the 4 letter F word. Not even in my vocab!

It was busy last year.

Grumpy Griff

183 posts

260 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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I will be there too. Can't wait, will come and see you Adam on the stand for a discount subscription smile


775 posts

251 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Grumpy Griff said:

I will be there too. Can't wait, will come and see you Adam on the stand for a discount subscription smile
Good to hear! See you there smile

Grumpy Griff

183 posts

260 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Last time we were together was racing in the Tiger Series a few years ago. Also I now own this company www.foremancars.com it would be good to talk about our plans at the show


8,290 posts

220 months

Thursday 5th January 2017
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Mrs9 is away next weekend so I'm going to get the Pup walked and try and sneak over!


775 posts

251 months

Thursday 5th January 2017
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Grumpy Griff said:
Last time we were together was racing in the Tiger Series a few years ago. Also I now own this company www.foremancars.com it would be good to talk about our plans at the show
Wow! Yes, definitely interested in hearing more.


8,345 posts

275 months

Friday 6th January 2017
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I will be there with my car for all 5 days (not actually a kit but Ive done more work on building it than I did my Ultima)... we have an owners club Stand.


8,290 posts

220 months

Friday 6th January 2017
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Would be great to finally see your Noble, Andy!

Stuart Mills

Original Poster:

1,208 posts

217 months

Monday 16th January 2017
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WOW, just WOW!

Stuart Mills

Original Poster:

1,208 posts

217 months

Monday 16th January 2017
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What a fantastic show, we had a great time, so good to meet everyone