


Original Poster:

11 posts

153 months

Friday 16th December 2016
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Can someone cast a light on this please. Ford 1700 cross flow, fast road/rally cam, pistons to suit. What oil should this engine be using? Sorry if a bit vague about the Pistons, not my car. Thanks in advance.


979 posts

156 months

Saturday 17th December 2016
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It's an old engine even if it's been rebuilt
Many will tell you modern oil will work well but they tend to be thin
I run Pinto's, the Crossflow is a bit older so a 20w50 will give better oil pressure and the engine will leak less
As for which brand/type older engine bearings may not be so happy with modern synthetic oils with all their added chemistry so I always run with a good mineral oil, you can buy the Halfords stuff or spend much more on Valvoline and other historic racing brands available from suppliers such as Demon Tweeks


348 posts

186 months

Sunday 18th December 2016
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I wouldn't go further than Miller Oils http://www.millersoils.co.uk/ If in doubt as to which oil to use give them a call, they are extremely helpful.


1,661 posts

115 months

Sunday 18th December 2016
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Valvoline VR1 20w/50.

That's what I use in mine. Mine has a Kent 244 cam, 1300 Pistons, big valves etc etc. It's the only oil it has ever had. Pressure stable and keeps the temps low with no signs of wear on last years strip down.

Justin S

3,658 posts

272 months

Sunday 18th December 2016
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Valvoline 20w 50 is all you need for a xflow. Its great stuff and not pricey as well. My xflow engine builder used to tell me and I never had any issues with mine.


333 posts

184 months

Tuesday 20th December 2016
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Any 20w-50 with the correct amount of ZDDP in or tip in a ZDDP additive if you're not sure.

These older engines with flat tappets need the ZDDP to preserve the cam and followers.


6,412 posts

231 months

Wednesday 28th December 2016
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The Penrite HPR range has the viscosities and zinc you need and the price is good for a synthetic.
