3d Models



Original Poster:

8,883 posts

258 months

Friday 13th August 2004
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If anyone wants any concept sketches turning into 3d Models lemme know.
For fun not profit....

Unless you happen to be the next Virgil Exner then in that case I want a slice


437 posts

259 months

Friday 13th August 2004
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Just interested in what you use to produce them?


Original Poster:

8,883 posts

258 months

Friday 13th August 2004
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Mainly Nendo. It works really well for "concept models".
You cant get hold of it anymore though.
Wings3d is a freeware copy but its not as good.

Can do some accurate stuff with solidworks for parts and assemblies etc if needed.

I aint doing photo realistic renders fer free though


4,560 posts

279 months

Tuesday 17th August 2004
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I could take up your offer.

What would you need for the 3d models?

I guess the 4 views of the renderings.

1/10 scale?

Send me an e-mail I'm interested on your offer.

No Virgil Exner here!!!! just trying hard, but then who knows what could happen..........

