Lombard Rally 2023

Lombard Rally 2023



Original Poster:

8,726 posts

147 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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I went to this event yesterday at Duncombe Park Helmlsey , a venue I know well , having been used for the RAC in period . I was attracted by the entry list of about 80-90 cars , including 911s , TR7 V8 and Stratoses , as well as the inevitable Mk 2 Escorts.

Having paid £14 I was extremely annoyed that there were only about 25 cars in total , including only the odd interesting one like a 240Z . No Stratos , 911 etc and about 60 fewer cars than in the entry list . The same few cars made three or four runs in the four hours I was there. It felt much longer ... Not impressed - it'd have been fine for a fiver but 14 quid is a full day club or drag racing, or hillclimb. With a lot of cars


Original Poster:

8,726 posts

147 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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I intend to . Posted here to see if anyone had different experience elsewhere, as the rally started in Bath I think .


Original Poster:

8,726 posts

147 months

Sunday 2nd April 2023
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I saw the entry list on their website. Who knows, I may even have misread it but 14 quid for 30 cars. come on ...


Original Poster:

8,726 posts

147 months

Saturday 8th April 2023
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I certainly won't be going anywhere near another Lombard rip off any time soon . I was appalled at paying £14 to see , basically , f*** all.

A big contrast to HERO stuff indeed - I remember spending a freezing but stunning morning at Ribblehead watching such an eclectic set of cars heading north to JOG . Ditto VSCC trials - foc and a hoot to watch