Watching the Monte Carlo Rally - anyone been?

Watching the Monte Carlo Rally - anyone been?


Lord Flasheart

Original Poster:

266 posts

113 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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Hi Guys - i'm planning a road trip with a few mates next January to see the Monte Carlo Rally. Can anyone give me any advice on, well, everything really: where to watch, are there tickets, is parking possible or will i need to rent a helicopter, etc etc. the problem is that its clearly not set-up like the i dont want to drive down there only to discover its nigh-on impossible to see any of the action.

thanks in advance

Lord Flasheart

Original Poster:

266 posts

113 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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unfortunately they only appear to be running helicopter tours,,,,which look epic, but also epicly expensive. i assume hiring a minibus to pick-up and drop-off would be sensible if we could find someone who knows the area

Lord Flasheart

Original Poster:

266 posts

113 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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Maybe Corsica is a better bet...albeit a fair bit further

Lord Flasheart

Original Poster:

266 posts

113 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2019
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awesome pics there!