Getting started in Rally Cross

Getting started in Rally Cross



Original Poster:

7,043 posts

157 months

Friday 23rd June 2017
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This has probably been mentioned before but oh well.

I'm thinking about getting into Rally Cross next year. From what I understand I need a non race national B licence? Just looking for advice really on how to get prepared and what I need to do do in order to start.

Any comments welcomed!


Original Poster:

7,043 posts

157 months

Friday 30th June 2017
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Wingo said:
OK I'll through in some stuff seeing as no one else had.

I take it you've done some research? if not this is worth a look.

Have you been to a meeting or two to see whats what? Well worth doing so you know what you are getting into.

I'm not aware of any test days you can do unlike circuit racing where you can test, test and test again.

I've only a done a couple of rallycross meetings both Yonks ago and the first one was in at the deep end, in amongst the 6R4s and the like in a Sunbeam Lotus rally car.

Second time was in a one make series so no crazy performance differential, but the close racing made body damage more of an issue.

Choose you class and get stuck in. Are your preparing a car yourself, buying one ready built or looking or other options?

I've done some research. I know what licence to get, what safety equipment I need for me and my car - which I've got one laying around luckily. Research only goes so far so I need to get to some amateur events to see what it's like in person but the internet doesn't show much in terms of events to go to.


Original Poster:

7,043 posts

157 months

Friday 30th June 2017
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fat80b said:
Why Rallycross exactly and not regular Stage Rallying?

I rally a Mk2 Escort and did several events in the MSN circuit rally championship last year. This was great and any damage is generally down to you and your co-driver rather than getting punted off by others.

Have you got any experience? - I would have thought getting out on a stage rally or two would be good prep for the car and you ahead of sitting on a start line with a bunch of nutters...

In which case, a BARS test and a Stage Rally licence would be my starting place before going down the Rally cross route.

Have you got a car in mind? I believe the spec for Stage & Rallycross are the same but check the Blue book carefully as it is a pretty hard read in places.

Find and join a facebook group or 2 as well ("rally log in and natter" is one). A good place to ask questions is also the britishrally forum:

Quite honestly I haven't even thought about stage rallying. I don't have a clue how to get into that, the cars, points, time etc. It's something I'll look into. I've done numerous track days with my car but rallying is a completely different ball game I guess.