Taycan 4S Cross Turismo

Taycan 4S Cross Turismo



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75 months

Wednesday 9th March 2022
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Claim update.

My car was inspected yesterday by an independent engineer.

To recap, I hit some objects that had washed into the road - stones/hardcore that kind of thing.

The wheel took a big knock and the rim is damaged to a degree that it requires replacement, the tyre didn't deflate but there's a lump out of the sidewall.

"Porsche" (via the terms it has with it's approved repairers in the UK - as Porsche itself actually has no bodyshop facilities in the UK) insist that any impacts of this nature that necessitate the replacement of a wheel, it is assumed that the suspension components, steering rack and steering column all require replacement (even if there is no evidence of damage), the turret has to be stress tested and bodyshell alignment checked. If the items are not replaced the Porsche warranty is no longer valid.

So this seems to be neither the repairer or the insurance company instigating this level of repair - but Porsche itself.

So for those of you who've had an incident requiring wheel replacement, if the corresponding items (listed above) weren't replaced you're potentially out of warranty now. It may be worth checking.

I'm now waiting on a call as to what happens next, there seems little prospect of me getting the car back now for some months. Especially given the problems in Europe right now.

Oh well, I managed just under 300 miles in it before this happened.

First world problems eh!


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Wednesday 9th March 2022
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Ken Figenus said:
Yes mate first world problems but it's these big ticket things that add a bit of happiness so naturally it's sad to have them taken away by such likely overaction. We have all dinged a wheel ( I used to have an Audi RS4 V6 that needed new chocolate wheels annually on Audi) but we didn't need to straighten the b chassis... Is your hand forced now?
I'm stuck now the car is deemed "unsafe" and not "roadworthy" so I can't have it back until it's put right.

The insurers were actually very keen on my request for inspections, obviously they don't want to be paying for work that isn't required. It seems though the Porsche approved repairers actually hold all the cards in these cases. The car is now in the system, if It's taken elsewhere and not repaired in the manner suggested I lose the warranty plus the insurers won't approve it - so here we are.

Timescale is unknown, most of these approved repairers only have one tech trained on Taycan's, so I'm a queue for the tech, then whatever time is required to source the parts, which in itself could be a problem given the issues in Europe right now. I'm certainly looking at months not weeks.

Hopefully I have a conversation tomorrow about a courtesy car for the duration.


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Thursday 10th March 2022
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Ken Figenus said:
'Mare. Hope you get something decent meantime frown
Repairs were authorised today. I have a loaner being delivered on Tuesday. It'll be a Qashqai or something similar.

I'm at the don't care stage now. It is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it.

I'll see how I feel about the car when it's returned, right now it just seems like a bit of a nuisance, which is being compounded by my business partners Taycan saloon lighting up like a Christmas Tree with different errors everytime he gets in it.

We're now wondering why we've spent £220K on a pair of cars that neither of us are enjoying albeit for very different reasons.


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Thursday 10th March 2022
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Murph7355 said:
21ATS said:
Repairs were authorised today. I have a loaner being delivered on Tuesday. It'll be a Qashqai or something similar.

I'm at the don't care stage now. It is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it.

I'll see how I feel about the car when it's returned, right now it just seems like a bit of a nuisance, which is being compounded by my business partners Taycan saloon lighting up like a Christmas Tree with different errors everytime he gets in it.

We're now wondering why we've spent £220K on a pair of cars that neither of us are enjoying albeit for very different reasons.
Is the 12V battery on your BP's car fully charged?

I've heard Taycans can throw errors when they're not, and have experienced it on other cars before.
Yes he uses his regularly and has done a few thousand miles already. The issue really is it's not the same error, it's all sorts of errors his car keep throwing. None of which are red, they are all white or amber messages. He's had some form of error every morning without fail.

This started at the end of Feb, April is the first slot available at either of the OPC's we're near. The app randomly doesn't communicate with his car, he has trouble charging (it keeps shutting off both on his home charger and the DC one's he's tried). The most common fault he's getting is something to do with his headlights. It even has Porsche scratching their heads at the moment.

It seems he needs to wait for something to actually completely fail before the problem can be found.

Edited by 21ATS on Thursday 10th March 23:15


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75 months

Thursday 10th March 2022
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findtomdotcom said:
21 ATS, mate I feel for you. Totally understand why you feel a bit uninterested, you have had some rubbish luck.

We just completed a 900 mile trip in ours, (to Land’s End, around Cornwall and back). It was faultless. What struck me was the charging at IONITY and Porsche chargers made the trip so easy. In total on the way home we charged for 28 mins at two chargers. The speed (250kw) was blistering and by the time I had used the bathroom and ordered a coffee we were ready to go. Brilliant and if this is how its going to work morning foreword, I am in.
I'm looking forward to actually using mine like this. I was due to go and see my mother the weekend after I'd had the incident. She lives in Dereham, about a 280 mile round trip so that was going to give me a feel for the capability of the car.

As it is, the single longest trip I've managed so far is driving home from the dealer.

On a seperate note my concern with the insurance claim I'm currently dealing with, is long term if even minor incidents like the one I had lead to £20K of precuationary parts changes then I can see these cars becoming an insurance problem down the line after the insurers start figuring out what these things actually cost to repair.


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75 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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ds666 said:
21ATS said:
findtomdotcom said:
21 ATS, mate I feel for you. Totally understand why you feel a bit uninterested, you have had some rubbish luck.

We just completed a 900 mile trip in ours, (to Land’s End, around Cornwall and back). It was faultless. What struck me was the charging at IONITY and Porsche chargers made the trip so easy. In total on the way home we charged for 28 mins at two chargers. The speed (250kw) was blistering and by the time I had used the bathroom and ordered a coffee we were ready to go. Brilliant and if this is how its going to work morning foreword, I am in.
I'm looking forward to actually using mine like this. I was due to go and see my mother the weekend after I'd had the incident. She lives in Dereham, about a 280 mile round trip so that was going to give me a feel for the capability of the car.

As it is, the single longest trip I've managed so far is driving home from the dealer.

On a seperate note my concern with the insurance claim I'm currently dealing with, is long term if even minor incidents like the one I had lead to £20K of precuationary parts changes then I can see these cars becoming an insurance problem down the line after the insurers start figuring out what these things actually cost to repair.
I mentioned previously that the initial quote from our company insurer was really high .
Is any of the damage ev specific ?
None is EV specific.

To be clear I've "kerbed" a wheel on debris in the road, the only visible damage is the wheel and tyre (which didn't deflate). There is no visible damage to any suspension component, the car drives perfectly. Yet "Porsche" require the entire suspension, steering rack and steering column be replaced or you lose your warranty. - Claim now at just under £20K and rising. I have a hire car cost to add to this which will likely be for a few months.

I'm wondering how many of these type claims before insurers start considering if they wish to continue offering cover for these vehicles. My premium on this car was just over £600 for the year.


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75 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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ecs said:
21ATS said:
Claim update.

My car was inspected yesterday by an independent engineer.

To recap, I hit some objects that had washed into the road - stones/hardcore that kind of thing.

The wheel took a big knock and the rim is damaged to a degree that it requires replacement, the tyre didn't deflate but there's a lump out of the sidewall.

"Porsche" (via the terms it has with it's approved repairers in the UK - as Porsche itself actually has no bodyshop facilities in the UK) insist that any impacts of this nature that necessitate the replacement of a wheel, it is assumed that the suspension components, steering rack and steering column all require replacement (even if there is no evidence of damage), the turret has to be stress tested and bodyshell alignment checked. If the items are not replaced the Porsche warranty is no longer valid.

So this seems to be neither the repairer or the insurance company instigating this level of repair - but Porsche itself.

So for those of you who've had an incident requiring wheel replacement, if the corresponding items (listed above) weren't replaced you're potentially out of warranty now. It may be worth checking.

I'm now waiting on a call as to what happens next, there seems little prospect of me getting the car back now for some months. Especially given the problems in Europe right now.

Oh well, I managed just under 300 miles in it before this happened.

First world problems eh!
That's really annoying!

I hit a fking massive series of potholes in my Taycan when it was a similar age to yours - it'd rained quite heavily the night before and the road had fallen to bits at the point of a previous repair. I burst two tyres and the dashboard lit up light a Christmas tree with all sorts of chassis and suspension faults. It went to Porsche Silverstone who replaced the tyres, smart repaired a few scuffs on the wheels, inspected the suspension and said it was good to go (they must've reset the fault codes in the process too).

I remember sitting in the waiting room of a Porsche approved bodyshop after someone had backed into my Macan overhearing a rather irate discussion between the receptionist and an insurance company who didn't want to pay for new wheels because Porsche don't permit repairs or refurbs.
Indeed, it seems Porsche approved repairers and Porsche OPC's/Porsche UK have different policies and are not all singing from the same hymn sheet.

The approved repairer won't refurb wheels it's not "porsche policy" and again according to them - it invalidates your warranty.- Go to an OPC and they will refurb your wheel. So do you now have a warranty?

There is a minor scuff on the rear wheel on my car - no damage to the tyre. Porsche Approved repair insist on a new wheel and a new tyre.

I had asked for the car to be taken to an OPC, two new wheels and tyres fitted and for it to be inspected and alignment checked by a Porsche technician. The insurers were all for this - mitigating your losses etc etc.

This was blocked by Porsche Approved repair on the grounds they'd had previous incidences of this where it later turned out there were stress fractures to the turret and the shell was twisted - specific to Taycan's. Also that main dealer techs are not factory trained in the structural aspect of accident repair and would not have access to the equipment to adequately test the car..

So here we are.

Edited by 21ATS on Friday 11th March 13:54


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1,100 posts

75 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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ds666 said:
My point is , confirmed by you , that this is nothing to do with EV's , it appears it is a Porsche policy ?? If so then nothing to do with the Taycan specifically .

With respect , if Porsche are of the view that the damage requires the level of work they are demanding, then who are we to argue ?
Conversely , I'll bet you'd be a bit upset if they just polished a wheel and at a later date the suspension failed ?
See my answer above, It may or may not be Taycan specific. The interesting situation I've stumbled into is Porsche OPC/Porsche UK and Porsche Approved Repairers are two entirely different entities with seeming very different guidelines to what is or isn't acceptable.

I feel like I'm being spun a story by the repairer if I'm honest but the threat of warranty removal if you don't tow their line is forcing the end result.

It looks like I'd potentially have a very different outcome if I'd taken the car to an OPC and decided to pay for a wheel/tyre myself.

Which one is right? The answer is both probably.

Edited by 21ATS on Friday 11th March 13:59


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75 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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MDL111 said:
ds666 said:
21ATS said:
ds666 said:
21ATS said:
findtomdotcom said:
21 ATS, mate I feel for you. Totally understand why you feel a bit uninterested, you have had some rubbish luck.

We just completed a 900 mile trip in ours, (to Land’s End, around Cornwall and back). It was faultless. What struck me was the charging at IONITY and Porsche chargers made the trip so easy. In total on the way home we charged for 28 mins at two chargers. The speed (250kw) was blistering and by the time I had used the bathroom and ordered a coffee we were ready to go. Brilliant and if this is how its going to work morning foreword, I am in.
I'm looking forward to actually using mine like this. I was due to go and see my mother the weekend after I'd had the incident. She lives in Dereham, about a 280 mile round trip so that was going to give me a feel for the capability of the car.

As it is, the single longest trip I've managed so far is driving home from the dealer.

On a seperate note my concern with the insurance claim I'm currently dealing with, is long term if even minor incidents like the one I had lead to £20K of precuationary parts changes then I can see these cars becoming an insurance problem down the line after the insurers start figuring out what these things actually cost to repair.
I mentioned previously that the initial quote from our company insurer was really high .
Is any of the damage ev specific ?
None is EV specific.

To be clear I've "kerbed" a wheel on debris in the road, the only visible damage is the wheel and tyre (which didn't deflate). There is no visible damage to any suspension component, the car drives perfectly. Yet "Porsche" require the entire suspension, steering rack and steering column be replaced or you lose your warranty. - Claim now at just under £20K and rising. I have a hire car cost to add to this which will likely be for a few months.

I'm wondering how many of these type claims before insurers start considering if they wish to continue offering cover for these vehicles. My premium on this car was just over £600 for the year.
My point is , confirmed by you , that this is nothing to do with EV's , it appears it is a Porsche policy ?? If so then nothing to do with the Taycan specifically .

With respect , if Porsche are of the view that the damage requires the level of work they are demanding, then who are we to argue ?
Conversely , I'll bet you'd be a bit upset if they just polished a wheel and at a later date the suspension failed ?
imagine something that was not replaced failing at 180 mph in the suspension or steering system on the Autobahn and the civil claims that will result from that if it leads to multiple death or seriously injured people. If I were Porsche I would do the same.

Still sucks obviously to be without the car so shortly after taking delivery
That is the perspective Porsche Approved Repair are taking and it's easy to see their point. Although I think 180mph for a Taycan is a tad optimisitc, but the reasoning is logical.

It does seem rather at odds with the Porsche Main Dealer policy though as mentioned by another poster.

I guess I was expecting the manufacturer to be on board with the same policy that they require their sub contracted repairers to follow.


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75 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2022
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Decision made on our two cars. A quick chat with the buyer from our Porsche dealer gave us opening bids pretty much amounting to what we paid for both cars to buy them back from us.

Small overs on my 4S CT (300 miles) and slightly under on the 4S Saloon that's done 2,500 miles.

So we can get out now without taking a financial bath.

The only unknown is when it will happen, my car's been gone a month now, work still hasn't started on it.

Having got a settlement figure from Lombard we were expecting the finance to be front loaded - it wasn't so it made it even more palatable.

We both feel like we dodged a bullet here. Currently no intention to replace them with anything as we each have another two cars.

It's real shame this didn't turn out as we hoped, we were both excited about our first Porsches, sadly they'll be our last.

Edited by 21ATS on Tuesday 22 March 08:33


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75 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2022
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Digga said:
FWIW, because it's easy to overlook, but did you claim capital allowances for both? There may be a liability if they are disposed of within 12 months.
No we didn't, they will have been bought and sold within the same trading year so no allowances claimed.

I actually only had my car 10 days and drove it 5 times.


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75 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2022
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Digga said:
Ridiculous. Very sorry to hear what a fk-up it's been for you.
It's just not meant to be it seems. Life goes on, we'll drive something else, Porsche will continue selling cars and our experience will just dissapear into the ether.

It's just not worth the stress, so getting out almost unscathed feels like a result.


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75 months

Friday 8th April 2022
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Car finally returned today from repair, with a damaged wheel still on it.

What a shambles


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Friday 8th April 2022
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JJMatrixx said:
21ATS said:
Car finally returned today from repair, with a damaged wheel still on it.

What a shambles
I thought you were car in a 1000 pieces and months for a repair? Did they not do all the work in the end?
They had it two months. I have no idea what they have replaced but they "forgot" to replace one of the damaged wheels.

This highlights the absolute and complete lack of confidence I have in this repair/Repairer and why the car is being sold.

This is a Porsche Approved Repairer who refused to return the car to me because the wheel damage made it unroadworthy. They then "Repaired" it having forgotten to change one of the damaged wheels and returned it to me as completed.

It's being recovered back to them tomorrow.

Edited by 21ATS on Friday 8th April 16:43


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75 months

Thursday 28th April 2022
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Sold ours today back to the dealer from whom we purchased them.

We put them out for bids to all the usual suspects and OPC's were bidding far higher than the independant specialists.

Also when you sell you actually get to see the real picture with many of the cars being advertised for "overs" being SOR rather than actual stock.

Bottom line is we got list price + 1% for the combined value of both vehicles (a saloon 4S and a CT4S) which given the saloon was 5 months old we were pretty happy with.

In reality the Saloon was -£9K and the CT was +£11.5 on list price.

It's a shame it didn't work out for us but we got out pretty much scott free which actually feels like a result.


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75 months

Thursday 5th May 2022
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franki68 said:
JJMatrixx said:
I should have gone for the Turbo bit it came down the budget, and being leased, I felt I had to draw the line. I think for most the 4s is more than enough but it's clearly a compromise, which is probably why I feel unexcited about the pace. I also feel with the additional weight of the car, the brakes could have a sharper response - they're sharp but require more pressure than I'd like. Final gripe - YouTubers say the standard interior is fine. It's not. You really need the leather upgrade as the seats are a cheap, hard, plastic leather. And obviously you'd get a stitched dash with it.

On CarPlay, how do you access that in the menus?! Was that standard?
The standard interior is so poor ,the worst porsche interior I have been in .Horrible plastics everywhere .
I was genuinely shocked how bad it was .
A (very) small element of the multiple reason why we sold ours was this.

I never really felt like I was sat in £110K worth of car. I did go for the upgraded interior, which don't get me wrong - was nice, But it was no "nicer" than the £50K audi it replaced. The only other reference I'd had to this was a Panamera Turbo Sport Turismo. The Pan interior was simply a different level - but then it was £150K and I simply couldn't stomach the depretiation.

The boot trim and parcel shelf all felt like they were £30K BMW rather than something 3 times as much. But I've always understood you're not buying a Porsche for interior trim, you're buying it for dynamics.

That works in a 911, but the Taycan is a different breed of car - it's more aimed at luxury than outright sports car and it never really felt luxury, to me.

We all have our own opinions though.


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75 months

Tuesday 10th May 2022
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mr_tony said:
What was the process with Porsche for relisting it? What kind of SOR fee do they charge? I really want to pick up our Taycan, but equally I can’t remember the last time I made a profit on a car….
They bought it back off me at over list. It's not SOR.

We sold both a 4S saloon and CT back to the dealer at the same time. The 4S saloon sold the day it was advertised - for £5K over list at 6 months old and 2600 miles.


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Tuesday 10th May 2022
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Mezzanine said:
21ATS said:
My car listed for sale today, List +£20K.
Wonder what they replaced in the end.
I don't know and genuinely don't care. It's the first time I've been genuinely happy to see a car go.

I gave the dealer all the details of the "work" undertaken so they will have it in their workshop and given it a good look over. I thought that was a reasonable thing to do.

The OPC have been very straight with us in reality. All the problems we had were with insurers and Porsche Approved repairers.

What I genuinely didn't realise as a first time Porsche owner is the dealer network has absolutely zero to do with the approved repairers, they are entirely different entities and seem to operate exclusively of each other including what is deemed reasonable and required when it comes to repair.

Based on my dealer experience alone I found them honest and straightforward and I wouldn't be uncomfortable buying from them again. They simply don't sell anything I have any interest in. The Taycan CT was the first Porsche I genuinely wanted to buy.

We've not replaced them yet. My business partner took a 911 C4 GTS out for the weekend and absolutely loved it but they do nothing for me. I like front engined GT cars (not GT in Porsche terms).

The only vehicle I have any genuine interest in as a replacement for the CT is a Ferrari FF. Of course that can't be bought through the business and there isn't currently one for sale I like so I'll just keep my eye's peeled for the right one.


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Saturday 14th May 2022
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BorkBorkBork said:
findtomdotcom said:
Great spec, that will sell fast. I think I might spec a GTS in that colour for our next one... It's a shame you didn't get to enjoy your car mate, I think you missed a treat there.
It’s a great colour. I’m also sorry he’s had a bad first experience, I’d have persevered though, because the driving rewards with a Porsche are worth some of the customer service/after sales issues.

Just heading out in my CT up into the Dales. Hopefully before the motorhomes and caravans hit the roads. biggrin
Honestly, When the car was working and I had the choice of my SL or the Taycan, I prefered driving the SL.

I really didn't gel with the car even though I only drove it a short time. My business partner had the same feeling in his after 2600 miles and 5 months. When you then add in the dramas we had with both cars and the sheer amount of time they were off the road it was the easiest decision in the world to get rid of them once we realised we could get out with minimal financial penalty.

They just didn't work for us. My interest in any other Porsche product was minimal at best, having now experienced ownership, albeit for a very short period with two cars, I have no interest in owning anything from this brand again. My business partner would have a 911 tomorrow if they could actually sell him one, but they can't, so he'll buy something else.

So from an outsider looking in that's had a taste, Porsche looks very much like Rolex to me. A brand that has managed to create so much hype that the hype has reached a level that the product is now struggling to justify. Sure they're good, they just aren't THAT good.

Hats off to them for creating the hype though.


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75 months

Saturday 14th May 2022
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Good old PH, removed my post listing my old car for sale at Porsche on the grounds of "No advertising". I don't even own it any more!