Lotus Called Today!

Lotus Called Today!



Original Poster:

1,267 posts

120 months

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
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My Emira amg that was being built this month has now been postponed until "next Summer"

I asked when "next summer" was ............................they told me June yikes


791 posts

194 months

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
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Lol, time to cancel?

Will be subject to another price rise next summer probably...


57 posts

207 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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Just when you think Lotus customer care can’t get any worse. The Emira has been a PR disaster. I cancelled my order a while ago and after the experience of dealing with Lotus will never buy any of their products in the future.

The Selfish Gene

5,582 posts

219 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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that now means it has to meet new emissions doesn't it? due to the delay - which will only make it worse.

buy a new M2 whilst you're waiting and be happy biggrin


19,954 posts

220 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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I had a missed call from lotus today. I was wondering whatv it was about.

Did they give a reason?


19,954 posts

220 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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I couldn't bear the wait, so I phoned and got a call back to be read the statement about the Emira i4 delay. Frankly after a load of waffle about global supply chain issues (really that excuse is a bit long in the tooth) I lost the will to listen. There seemed to be some regulatory stuff in there as well, but I may have imagined that.

Delayed to next summer, no other info available - what a terrible job those people have.


57 posts

207 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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On other message boards there seems to be a suggestion that Lotus haven't gone through the emissions approval for the i4 in the UK. Sounds like quite an oversight if true, but given everything else they've messed up, probably possible.


19,954 posts

220 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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That sounds pretty likely to me. Let's hope it's worth the wait!


3,503 posts

246 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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Wow given the enthusiasm for the car when it was announced, it seems like they’ve really cocked this up


Original Poster:

1,267 posts

120 months

Friday 24th November 2023
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Yep I agree with all of the above banghead


Original Poster:

1,267 posts

120 months

Tuesday 5th March 2024
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Lotus called today my 4 pot car is coming next week !


19,954 posts

220 months

Wednesday 6th March 2024
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I got an email inviting me to do the checkout. Made me have a long think then I sent a canx email. My circumstances have changed so much over the nearly 3 years since depositing that I just won't be using it.

Shame really. But they'll still be there if circumstances change again


19,954 posts

220 months

Thursday 7th March 2024
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So I had a call today from lotus that I had to miss as I was at work. They left a nice message saying I couldn't cancel as my car was ready and the contact had been made.

What an astonishingly inept bunch of idiots they are.

I'll call them tomorrow and explain the basics of contract law to them.

Edited by BertBert on Thursday 7th March 22:44

Terminator X

16,725 posts

213 months

Thursday 7th March 2024
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Lol l cancelled an order with Audi when the car was built and on its way. They seemed piqued but didn't say much.



19,954 posts

220 months

Friday 8th March 2024
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We'll I'll call today and see how much conviction they have that my order isn't cancelable. That's stunning I get thorough


19,954 posts

220 months

Friday 8th March 2024
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Cancelled, but I think there was a discount to be had if I'd pushed for it. But genuinely it doesn't fit what driving I do any more.


430 posts

255 months

Tuesday 30th April 2024
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LordOfTheManor said:
Lotus called today my 4 pot car is coming next week !
Hi, Did you get your i4, what's your thoughts on it if you did?

There are some on a 6 week delivery pre-configured, might be an option for me. I tried the V6 a while back, but didn't go ahead in the end. The i4 might be a better option.
