Emira vs Vertige

Emira vs Vertige



Original Poster:

1,318 posts

285 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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I was wondering what your thoughts were regarding the Emira vs the Wells Vertige.


Pistonheads, have you had a chance to give this car a review?


19,954 posts

220 months


19,954 posts

220 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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and a bit chalk and cheese, surely? It's half the weight of the Emira for starters


7,186 posts

154 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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jpf said:
I was wondering what your thoughts were regarding the Emira vs the Wells Vertige.


Pistonheads, have you had a chance to give this car a review?
The Vertige is aimed at the gap between an Elise and an A110 - I can't see anyone cross-shopping between it and an Emira. No driver aids and minimal kit. I looked at it as a more spartan alternative to the A110, but quite a gulf in refinement at the moment. Well worth a look if you want an alternative to a second-hand Elise- it has a great chassis. Pricey at around £60k and there was a 2 year waiting list when I looked. The downturn in the car market may have shortened that wait.