The i4 sounds like... an i4

The i4 sounds like... an i4



Original Poster:

6,064 posts

150 months

Saturday 15th July 2023
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Well the i4 has been up the hill at Goodwood putting to bed, once and for all, the notion of Lotus being able to work some magic and make it sound like anything other than a modern, turbo'd i4.

Links from posts on EmiraForum:


1,425 posts

37 months

Monday 24th July 2023
quotequote all
PorkInsider said:
Well the i4 has been up the hill at Goodwood putting to bed, once and for all, the notion of Lotus being able to work some magic and make it sound like anything other than a modern, turbo'd i4.

Links from posts on EmiraForum:
I do wish the commentators would just take a breath and shut the fk up sometimes. Those watching the streams aren't there in person - we actually want to hear what the cars sound like not their boring monotonous drivel.