Aircon problems

Aircon problems



Original Poster:

4,203 posts

118 months

Friday 9th June 2023
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On our way to lemans - one of the group is in ana Emira and has no aircon- just
Blowing hot air.

Is there an easy fix to this (pull out and refit fuse???) that you know of please or is this dealer only
Many thanks

Fantic SuperT

887 posts

229 months

Monday 12th June 2023
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My aircon didn't work from delivery until I got it in for a 1,000 mile service (early I know but just in case) at Bell & Colvill. They re-booted something and the aircon started working and still works now. The service guy told me the problem needs a software fix from Lotus and they will be in touch when that's available. In the meantime the re-boot of whatever is just a temporary fix.

Not great and it worries me that it will fail if I go on a long hot journey abroad.


Original Poster:

4,203 posts

118 months

Wednesday 14th June 2023
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Many thanks - it appears to be a not uncommon fault of not enough gas in system. Booked into dealer but first date is 10 July.