Emira - Factory Drive

Emira - Factory Drive


Tin Hat

Original Poster:

1,404 posts

218 months

Tuesday 30th May 2023
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Hi All,

I had a day at Lotus a couple of weeks ago courtesy of Mrs Tin Hat, she gifted me a day driving the Emira on track under the supervision of Martin Donnelly, ex F1 driver.

My impressions were that the Emira is an absolute bargain, well made, great looking, and totally resilient after a complete pounding. My only negative is that it felt a little less potent than my Exige, but then that does also sound more like a cutlery drawer……..

Hope you guys are enjoying yours, it’s got to be the best sports car under £100k by a country mile!


99 posts

110 months

Tuesday 30th May 2023
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I'm surprised the Porsche Brigade haven't replied yet.

I saw my first one recently and it was stunning, the owner is delighted with it so far.


883 posts

120 months

Friday 9th June 2023
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Porsche Brigade here…

I drove an Emira a couple of months ago. Absolutely loved it. Superb drive, proper supercar looks, sounded great.

I was about to place an order. However, even before the recent price increase, the monthlies were considerably more than I pay for my GT4. Emira was good but not THAT good.