Hethel & Verdant Available for Immediate Delivery

Hethel & Verdant Available for Immediate Delivery



Original Poster:

883 posts

120 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2023
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Not sure if this is old news to Lotus people but it might help some beat their wait and the imminent price increase.

I test drove an Emira last week - liked it but decided not to buy one.

During my chat with the dealer they mentioned the current 60 week wait and the £6k price increase due 1st June.

He then mentioned they have access to a small number of Emira’s available for immediate delivery. Apparently they were unwanted ‘Directors’ and left-hand drive build slots (all the cars are UK RHD). Various interior/wheel/black pack options, but all are either Hethel or Verdant. Had about 10 in total. The only exact spec I can remember (as it was the one that interested me the most) was Hethel, no black pack, black wheels, red calipers, alcantara with yellow stitch, leather steering wheel.

Had I have wanted one I was to place a deposit via the usual Lotus website, then contact the dealer who would email Lotus to allocate one of the cars to me. As it would be delivered before 1st June it wouldn’t be subject to the price increase either. He said anyone who has a deposit already placed could also request one of these cars.

They also advised if I did purchase one, not to opt for home delivery. He’s heard a few stories of poor PDI’s conducted by BCA. Dealer collection means the dealer will complete the PDI.

Hope this might help some of you into your new wheels sooner rather than later.

Edited by neilf on Tuesday 2nd May 22:31

Edited by neilf on Tuesday 2nd May 22:32


19,956 posts

220 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2023
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Did you believe any of that given that "hethel" isn't even a colour available for the Emira? Also given the massive order book they've got quite a few actual deposit holders to offer them to.


Original Poster:

883 posts

120 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2023
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899 posts

188 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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yes its true I've bought one I think they are all gone now and under 81k on the road


772 posts

222 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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barriejames said:
yes its true I've bought one I think they are all gone now and under 81k on the road
They are definitely still available (there are a few available sat in storage area at `local` dealer, although the transaction would still be with Lotus) . The question is whether it can all be completed before 1 June.


Original Poster:

883 posts

120 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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Thanks for the reply gents, nice to have my original post confirmed. I’m assuming by the lack of response to my post that potential Emira owners didn’t believe me.

Oh well, their loss. I thought I was doing them a favour explaining how they could get an Emira immediately. If they’d rather wait months longer and pay £6k extra for their cars, more fool them.

Congrats on your purchase Barrie. What colour did you go for?


899 posts

188 months

Friday 19th May 2023
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Went for Hethel with black pack virtually the spec I would have chosen deposit placed on Saturday car delivered to dealer from Lotus HQ Tuesday you were correct about some availability I beat the June increase as collect 27h May


Original Poster:

883 posts

120 months

Sunday 21st May 2023
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What a stunner! Hethel for the win!


899 posts

188 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2023
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neilf said:

What a stunner! Hethel for the win!
Many thanks