Lancashire based Emira Owners??

Lancashire based Emira Owners??



Original Poster:

154 posts

66 months

Tuesday 11th April 2023
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I was wondering if there are any Lancashire based Emira owners who would be happy to meet for a coffee and cake (my treat) to discuss there ownership and specification of the new Emira. I am looking to possibly buy a Emira and this would be my first Lotus. My local dealer is 30+ miles away and would prefer to discuss options with a owner.

Happy to travel.


290 posts

217 months

Wednesday 12th April 2023
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Hi, I’m Lancashire based and would be happy to meet up.

I’m away on holiday until after the weekend but could do something after that 👍🏼


290 posts

217 months

Wednesday 12th April 2023
quotequote all
Hi, I’m Lancashire based and would be happy to meet up.

I’m away on holiday until after the weekend but could do something after that 👍🏼


Original Poster:

154 posts

66 months

Wednesday 12th April 2023
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LB14, that would be great. Please reach out to me on your return from holidays.

Thank you again.


290 posts

217 months

Thursday 13th April 2023
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Will do!