Lotus factory tour

Lotus factory tour



Original Poster:

19,954 posts

220 months

Saturday 8th April 2023
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I did the factory tour on Thursday care of the caterham and lotus 7 club. The classic team lotus but was fabulous. The factory tour was fun albeit nowhere near as good a narrative as the classic bit.

The thing that struck me was how quiet it all was. Lots of workers standing around chatting doing not much. Perhaps it was slowing down because of the Easter weekend.

Great to see lots of Emiras and where they are put together though.


199 posts

213 months

Saturday 8th April 2023
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Bit of a worry they have a huge order backlog, with many people being told their delivery timetable is growing - and lots of people standing around !?


Original Poster:

19,954 posts

220 months

Saturday 8th April 2023
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I could be wrong of course, just felt a bit lacklustre.

Seeing it all was fabulous though. Yellow with no black pack looked stunning. The yellow calipers don't match though. Glad I didn't choose those!