Which PH'ers have placed a deposit on an Emira?

Which PH'ers have placed a deposit on an Emira?



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154 months

Monday 8th April
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av185 said:
Wouldn't say the lack of luggage capacity in the Emira 'boot' is a major disadvantage bearing in mind the space behind the seats although the proximity to engine heat in the boot could well be a minus in the hotter summer months especially.

Having said this the Emira storage is substantially less than in the Cayster platform where even the GT4 and Spyder have relatively large capacity both front and rear and only slightly reduced in the RS models.

Interesting Porsche have completely deleted any existing front storage in the GT3 RS due to a combination of DW front suspension (as in the Emira) and necessary additional cooling ducts effectively giving no storage whatsoever if CS is optioned.

Re the Emira gearing yes the ratios are lower than the Caysters BUT the downside is the very low top 6ks rev limit is soon reached v the much higher e.g 8k rev limit in the GT4/Spyder.

Apart from the odd sized shape and thickness of the wheel the steering on the Emira is imo very reminiscent of the last 911 hydraulically steered 997 GTS...nice balance neutrality and almost perfect weighting although over busy on Sport suspension cars with Cups.
I thought the rack on the Emira was way, way faster than a 997/987. in fact I drove a 987 Cayman R that day too and the Emira seemed to have almost Ferrari levels of steering rack speed in comparison. RE luggage, I can't see how we could get 4 weeks worth for 2 people plus all our walking gear without compromise. We can in a Boxster with space left over to bring back some shopping from Europe.