How to get in to go-karting?

How to get in to go-karting?



Original Poster:

32,091 posts

253 months

Monday 31st October 2005
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Morning all!

The title kind of gives away my question, but to cut a very long story short....for years now I've attended go-karting stuff. Whether it's mini-events (owner's clubs for example), generic entrance events (anyone turns up), and I have always [without fail] done very well. When I've had the opportunity to race along side (what I would call) 'proper go-karters', I have always contested well with them - and in fact yesterday I got pole position over and above some (apparently) tasty drivers.

Anyway, that's enough bigging myself up. That's not the purpose of this thread. Where I am going with this is that I always have wondered if I am actually any good, or has it always been luck. So I've wanted to 'test' myself to see if I do have the minerals and could, perhaps, confidently enter a championship and do well.
I would like to understand what the best thing to do would be. Buy a cheap kart and enter a cheap series? Perhaps run a season of hire-kart championships at my local track?

So, the question, what does the PH consensus think on where to go next?

Appreciate your thoughts, people


Original Poster:

32,091 posts

253 months

Monday 31st October 2005
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thanks guys I'll take a look at that 100 club - sounds exactly the sort of thing I'm after!

Didn't know they were doing somethign on SELOC (I don't go there much and only view the technical forum really) so will have a hunt around later.

Thanks all for your replies, appreciate it.