How to get a lifetime ban at Teamsport!

How to get a lifetime ban at Teamsport!



Original Poster:

15,742 posts

237 months


Original Poster:

15,742 posts

237 months

Monday 3rd October 2022
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jm8403 said:
Monkeylegend said:
Happened nearly 3 years ago so old news really.
He only uploaded it last year so 'old'??


Original Poster:

15,742 posts

237 months

Tuesday 4th October 2022
quotequote all
They do keep the kids out of the adult ones. They are hilarious, pulling over to chat to each other while blocking the track, going in the pits the wrong way and even driving around the track the wrong way. We once ended up in a group with kids and did 7 laps in 15 minutes! It must have taken me 5 mins to leave the pits! They did give us a free session and apologised.

Public sessions aren't busy enough for types of driving abilities and who is to say what ability you are. Most people go in groups and so want to drive together.

Teamsport do have a 'Pro' type of membership with events for better drivers. We've just done this and are looking forward to being last regularly hehe