go karting alone

go karting alone



Original Poster:

10,612 posts

197 months

Monday 12th August 2019
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I recently went on a stag do where we went gokarting and I really enjoyed it (outdoor)

there's a daytona indoor track not too far away from me in trafford park that seems to have open sessions, my friends are quite busy and not as enthusiastic as me so i'd be going there alone - I suppose it's generally considered a group / party activity

has/does anyone else do this?


Original Poster:

10,612 posts

197 months

Monday 12th August 2019
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fido said:
I do this all the time - sometimes to fill in the gaps between journeys or if I have a day off.

WIll be going to the one in Esher this Friday. I do get asked "is it just you?" alot but I guess they prefer group bookings (and it is cheaper to book in a group). I often to see regulars there, and not everyone goes in groups - seems to be 1. groups of friends 2. dad & wannabe Lewis Hamiltons 3. brother and sister / couples 4. loners (like me!). The two-stroke are a bit more expensive but still cheaper (on tyres) than going sideways in the M3.

Edited by fido on Monday 12th August 13:58
that's cool, thanks!

I used the booking section on the daytona site and had a look for what's available (14 adults slots) and most of the day time ones had literally no one else in, was the evening ones that seem popular

have your lap times there dropped quite a bit?