How to time my Karting laps by myself?

How to time my Karting laps by myself?



Original Poster:

114 posts

208 months

Monday 5th May 2014
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Hi, recently started karting more regularly just for fun. Can someone give me some tip on a simple way to time myself ?

I have a good track very close and i can go there practice on the rentals with some races with friends once in a while.

I'm thinking the simplest way is to strap a big digital Chrono watch on my wrist which has big buttons? I just need something that can time each lap, i press a button when i cross the line, it shows the time freezed briefly and meanwhile is already timing the next lap and so on.

No need for hundreds of a second accuracy, just need to see if I'm improving and in a given second give or take a tenth or two!

Any tips?


Original Poster:

114 posts

208 months

Monday 5th May 2014
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Thanks for the feedback!

The track is outdoors and has it's own timing system. Trouble is timing gear is only used in group races and anyway it's only available at the end of the races. So no good for you to improve your lap times on your own, I think it's crucial you know at that exact lap the time so that you know what improved or worsen the time!

Friend or wife would be an option but it will be hard to drag them to the local track and spend 30 mins clicking a chrono :-) Even then the problem remains, I wouldn't know the time but by the next lap if at all possible.

Just looking for a simple solution to guide myself, but maybe just there isn't one! Why you think the chrono watch wouldn't work? The straight is long enough I can relax a bit, so clicking on a button and looking seems doable? When I'm down at a given second (I know the track record) then I could move up to fancier gear.

I'm in Portugal BTW! ;-)


Original Poster:

114 posts

208 months

Monday 5th May 2014
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Yes, I understand the principle, already planning an incursion with a racer friend for some pointers :-) Anyway, when practicing it would be nice to have some idea of what's happening, once you get into a rhythm at least you know you're in given second range.

Alfano is too expensive for my "leisure" profile, at least for now.