All things Infotainment

All things Infotainment



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Wednesday 8th February 2023
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I thought it may be useful to create a dedicated thread to Infotainment topics. That way, over time, all related issues, thoughts, ideas, and news on the Infotainment theme can build up over time. Rather than search through literally hundreds of pages across dozens of threads to pick up various snippets of intel...

To Kick-off, I'll re-post the intel on how to get rid of the "static' radio noise when you re-start the car (for the original Infotainment version):

"If the weather is good I'll take her out this weekend for a spin, and I'll re-try the source options. The thing is I never listen nor select the radio source options (AM/FM/DAB). I only ever select the other media source options and then select bluetooth for TIDAL or for internet radio. But every time I stop the car and re-start it, I get the AM Radio option back by default, and never the AUX. I'll have another go to try to work out what's going on"

Coming back to the irritation of the older infotainment system defaulting to AM when you re-start the car; even though you were on Bluetooth when you shut down the engine. I finally spent some time going through the manuals during my spin in the car today, and playing around with the menu options. Here's what I found:

  • BCR is indeed correct; if you select AUX but then immediately select (and stay on) Bluetooth; the car defaults to AUX when you re-start the car - so, no annoying (radio) static noises! I have also placed AUX on "Quiet' mode for good measure, not sure what that means nor what "Normal" mode means for AUX though...
If you select FM and then go on to select Bluetooth, the default on engine start up will be FM and - again - static noises.(So, same result as if AM was selected). Mind you, I have not yet made any radio station pre-selects - so this could also perhaps remove the static on Start-Up? I'll look into that later.

  • Alex and others, also correct - by simultaneously moving the plus/minus controls towards you (on media source unit attached under the steering wheel) you go directly on MUTE. It's instant and very easy and handy.


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Monday 20th February 2023
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LE62NDE said:
I've started a thread on my silent satnav but will continue it here. I thought that the problem was caused by mySpin on my phone and/or my phone being connected to the car's USB socket. So I deleted mySpin from the phone. All seemed well -I could hear the satnav directions- but this morning I had muted the radio before inputting the destination and once again I had the map + blue route line, distance and journey time etc. -but no voice.
Does the infotainment update online, or do I need to visit the dealership?
I think you will need to go via your dealership. I had my infotainment system re-set (for free) as part of the 1st year Service - to solve too frequent bluetooth dropouts - which worked a treat. Huge difference c.f. before. I have the MySpin system.


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Monday 20th February 2023
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Portti said:
I have a 2022 A110 with upgraded infotainment and after picking up the car from Belgium I was wondering what are those strange occasional beeps coming from somewhere. Only when I got home to Finland I realized that the beeps do actually warn about the approaching speed cameras.

So, the speed camera warnings have been there on my car since the beginning by default and I haven't done any setting changes etc. to get them.
If I recall correctly, I also get the same when approaching known speed camera's; and that's with the older infotainment system. Although, I haven't noticed it for a while TBH.


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105 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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Thought I'd copy Craig's post below into this generic Infotainment Syst Thread ref: upgrading the older MySpin system:

Saw this on Facebook and though some may find it useful


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105 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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Saw this on Facebook and though some may find it useful

Like Hoofty, when I read this link, it gave me hope that in the fullness of time there will be an upgrade solution available. If an amateur hobbyist can get this far with creating Apple CarPlay and Focal functionality into his Alpine, then it gives me confidence that independent Alpine and/or Hi-Fi specialists will eventually offer a professional solution which can be retro-fitted to MySpin A110s. Just a matter of remaining patient I would say.


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Monday 20th February 2023
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a110au said:
I think the market is too small to expect a large company to offer something. The number of non CarPlay cars is static and ageing.

The route of buying a $1000+ alpine (the stereo maker) head unit is a little bit of a dead end to me mainly because it is a closed system. I am unsure if the infotainment buttons are implemented, probably not as myalpdroid was not successful in finding any aftermarket box to decode them. The alpine (stereo maker) requires its own microphone placement for bluetooth phone calls, the in-car one is probably disconnected. There are no navigation instructions sent to drivers display. The telematics if done by video, are not going to respond to touch.. I'm probably missing other consequences too.

The project on GitHub to integrate an Android screen is much more promising as it can
a) use the in-car mic
b) re-implement telematics, with touch
c) supports all buttons - which is the most complex part of the project requiring a custom board
d) can send nav to driver display.
e) gets rid of the Bosch infotainment lump in the dash, entirely
f) can still integrate with any focal stereo stuff

What isn't clear is what the plans are for myalpdroid. Does he intend to sell a kit ?

Such a kit would just be:
custom PCB
and raspberry pi,
some other cables,
and a link to buy the suitable android tablet, and some android package for telematics

In that sense it could be affordable but also very complete and far exceed current infotainment look and function.

unfortunately one comment at the end of his French wiki says
"Finally, I think the latest version must be the right one but I don't want to reprint the cards. My prototype satisfying me."

He got his PCB to the point where it works and doesn't want to pay to update to the latest, more reliable, design contributed by a French member and that makes me wonder if he is doing this just for his car or is not interested in a kit.

Edited by a110au on Monday 20th February 22:32
All good points, but just to clarify, when I mentioned "Alpine" I was meaning the "A110" and not the car hi-fi company. Excuses for any confusion.


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Tuesday 21st February 2023
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a110au said:
Yeah but Daves solution he is working on is using Alpine - the hi-fi company - premium head unit.
The chances that Alpine the French company do anything for us, is zero, don't you think? And I don't think hi-fi specialists will devote the time to something that might only sell 100.
Aha, well spotted sir! I missed that, I clearly need new glasses. I agree that neither Alpine the car audio company nor the A110 car company will do anything for us. I was more referring to independent, local audio installation specialists who may "professionalise" a solution and which may also come to the attention of independent Alpine A110 garage specialists. It would be by word of mouth of course, and on a country by country basis. Overall, I do think there would be way more than 100 units upgraded if a good solution could be found for less than say 800 Euro's; given that up until end 2021 there were approx 10,000 A110's made with the beloved MySpin system....


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Tuesday 23rd January
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BCA said:
Can anyone who rates the sound quality of their focal system (non Sub) recommend how I should set the sound settings?

I may have been spoilt by other cars in this regard or I am wondering if it is to do with the connection to my phone through CarPlay, but I am also wondering if I just haven’t got it set up correctly in terms of the audio balance or using the different audio modes (natural/ lounge/ some other stuff I can’t recall currently!)
I have the wonderful MySpin version. Not that great but also not that bad IMHO - see above my conclusions.

One thing I noticed when using bluetooth via my phone for favourite internet radio stations or for playing TIDAL; I hadn't taken into account the volume setting on my phone. I usually have the volume setting at about 70%. It took a friend to point out why the Focal system wasn't as loud as I would have expected....

Also, if you are experiencing a lot of bluetooth cut-out's then request your dealer to have MySpin to be re-installed / re-booted at your next service. It solved the bluetooth issue for me. It will also mean you will get the 2020 version of MySpin, so the maps will likely be more up to date than the 2018 versions.


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Tuesday 23rd January
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quote=Albionmuz]Has anyone managed to do this yet? Am about to purchase a Premier Edition and would love to be able to retrofit Car Play to the car through the OEM infotainment system.

This looks promising but no way am I doing it myself!

Edited by Albionmuz on Tuesday 23 January 09:36


I wouldn't be overly concerned. It's only a matter of time before reputable car hifi specialists configure a neat way of upgrading the A110 pre-facelift cars with CarPlay / Auto Android functionality. By 'neat' I mean without replacing the OEM screen. Although some folks have already replaced the screen with an 'Alpine' (car hifi) display unit.

I'll place these links into the All Things Infotainment thread, otherwise we'll end up with multiple (sub) threads on the same subject...



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Tuesday 23rd January
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There is a user who has integrated an android tablet, here is the GitHub page


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Wednesday 14th February
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BCA said:
This was something I struggled with before looking at the car properly, more from an aesthetics perspective but also from a general packaging one; however, I have to hold my hands up and say it actually works really well for me. The ability to mute/pause something with one hand and drop down a few gears with the other just works. It’s one of the more effective parts of the cars ergonomics and I otherwise just forget what it looks like.

Also for completeness in following up my earlier query on settings, I’ve played around with all sorts - tried different sources and formats of music and come to the conclusion that the sound quality is okay provided you don’t go above 70% volume. A little disappointing, but I’ve been spoilt by better systems(the best being a Lexus) - I may come back and try to improve this at a later stage, it’s acceptable for now.
I agree, the remote control on the steering column is actually very effective once you've got the hang of all its functions - it's especially simple for changing tracks, switching audio mode, and for adjusting the volume level. I also agree it's not the most sophisticated piece of kit. In fact, if memory serves, it's the same unit as used in my old 1992 Renault Chamade16V (remember those! great car!) - but it works well. And for RHD cars, you cannot see it in the cabin anyway, being tucked away on the RHS of the steering column.

Now for a 'dummy' moment: regarding the volume settings for the Focal system if you're mainly using bluetooth as I do; be aware of your mobile phone volume setting. I used to think the Focal sound at maximum volume was a bit weak until a mate pointed out to me that my mobile volume setting (at around 70%) was the reason....


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Wednesday 14th February
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7en said:
On a similar topic, I find the scroll wheel not the most reliable for changing tracks, as sometimes scrolling to the next track goes to the beginning of the same track, does anyone else experience this? It happens around once per drive via phone/Android Auto wireless with USB Audio Player Pro app.
Ref: the scroll wheel: I think you'll find that it's one direction for going back to the start of the track or scroll back further to the previous track; and vice-versa in the other direction to skip to the next track. I never have any issues with the scroll wheel, it remains consistent in my experience.


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Wednesday 14th February
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timbo999 said:
With the later system (car play etc) you can only adjust the volume on screen after you have used the remote control - doesn't stay on screen and, as far as I'm aware, you can't get to it any other way - unless anyone knows different?
Are you sure about this? That would not make a lot of sense. Even with CarPlay and AndroidAuto the updated infotainment system is not known to be particularly good; average at best. But if it's true that once you adjust the volume setting on the 'remote control' stalk you can only re-adjust the volume via the display screen; then that's a PITA indeed! Can anyone else confirm? Perhaps Timbo needs advice on adjusting his audio / media settings.
That characteristic is not present on the old infotainment system; the remote stalk works all the time for adjusting the volume, up and down.


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Wednesday 14th February
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astage said:
This doesn't appear to be correct. The Bosch map data is held on a separate SD-card plugged into the control unit. The SD-card is not updated when the infotainment system is updated. You can buy an updated pre-programmed SD-card (on flea-bay) and plug this into the unit. Alternately, plugging an updated SD-card into the slot below the central controls will override the original card in the control unit. I have no idea about the newer CarPlay/Android Auto system.
You may be right there, I have to admit, apologies. It is indeed true that you only need to plug the updated Bosch SD card into the slot below the central controls (and keep it there) and it will override the SD card that's behind the dashboard etc; so you will have updated data i.e. navigation maps for example. My Alpine service manager discovered that by accident when dealing with another client.


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Wednesday 14th February
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Colin P said:
Nope, confirmed. The volume control only comes up on the touch screen when you adjust it via the stalk, but disappears after a second or two and there is no way of bringing it up other than by using the stalk. The stalk works all the time.

It doesn't bother me as:
1) the stalk is easiest anyway and it prevents passengers meddling with the volume biggrin
2) My wifes JCW has a volume knob, but the symbol on it rotates with the knob and my OCD just cannot accept it being anything other then precisely vertical - so I have to keep straightening it when other people leave it off centre. I am well used to only using steering wheel controls.

The control stalk is very good ergonomically, albeit somewhat aesthetically challenged.

Edited by Colin P on Wednesday 14th February 16:50
I misunderstood what Timbo was referring to - I thought he meant that after using the remote stalk he could only then adjust the volume settings via the screen... Think I need to take a lie down and stay off the hooch!


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Wednesday 21st February
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biggles330d said:
Don't we get a bit obsessed by the media stalk for no reason? My experience of it...

Test drive - got back to the dealer with a question about how to turn the radio up as I simply didn't even notice it, despite lots of fumbling around trying to work out how to work the volume control on the dash.

Owning car - it's behind the steering wheel and I simply don't see it when driving. Now I know its there its simplicity itself to use and in a very handy position. I like that only I'm in control of the volume....useful when with passengers! It just works. I don't much care that its been around forever, that just says to me its unlikely to break and if it does its as cheap as chips to replace. I can't say I've fully got to grips with the various buttons on it but thats just familiarity - I mostly have it on the radio and don't use the car every day so, other than volume, not many other functions get touched.

While the infotainment on my 2021 car doesn't benefit from CarPlay, I don't have that on any other car so don't miss it. The only issue with the screen and controls is the fiddly little 'buttons' on the touchscreen - never great on any RHD car in my experience because you are trying to control it with your left hand and most people are right handed.

I certainly don't get excited by the infotainment system as every car I've had has quickly improved in this area making any system you have feel outdated quite quickly. But does it actually do what I want it to? Yes, it does. Satnav is fine, radio and audio is really good quality. Interface poor. But it's certainly not at dreadful and laggy as my Discovery 4. But even that from a functionality perspective, does everything that much more modern systems do, just in a more clunky way.
My sentiments exactly! And it's not as if the current infotainment is particularly great, it's not, simply has CarPlay and AA. In the fullness of time, no doubt there'll be aftermarket infotainment upgrades / replacements tailored to fit all A110's.


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Wednesday 21st February
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Jacobyte said:
Does the nav (pre '22) account for traffic, then re-route if it spots a delay ahead?

I've not tried using it yet, as I've only ever done journeys where I know where I'm going.
Yes, it does. To be honest, I found the Bosch satnav display to be clearer in layout than the facelift satnav version. The main downside though is the maps are out of date. You can overcome this by inserting a compatible newer Bosch satnav SD card into the SD slot under the middle console - the SD card overwrites the one embedded under the dash. Somewhere on this thread (or the general Alpine thread) there is mention of which SD cards to buy and where for a quite reasonable low cost. Alpine don't support the Bosch SD cards longer and when they did they charged 450 Euro!