Brake dust...



Original Poster:

2,681 posts

219 months

Monday 4th November
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driving me nuts on white wheels of the 1973 san remo. Anyone tried another brand of brake pads such as carbon lorraine RC5+?


350 posts

28 months

Monday 4th November
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I used EBC Green Stuff pads on my classic, but don't know what serious drivers think of them. They solved the problem of dust on Old English White wheels in a low power/low demand setting, but I seem to recall the quick boys rubbished them, preferring Mintex. biglaugh


17 posts

16 months

Tuesday 5th November
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I have the Carbon Lorraines on the front and whilst there appears to be less brake dust (can't say for certain though as I'm not a heavy braker), the bite and pressure needed to apply does feel more progressive than the standard pads (2021 S btw)


Original Poster:

2,681 posts

219 months

Tuesday 5th November
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are any of these squeaky for road use?