Alpine A110 owners

Alpine A110 owners



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232 months

Saturday 17th June 2023
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xondat said:
craigwright_uk said:

back in an A110 again after a brief dalliance with an Elise Cup 250. Was considering a MkI R8 or BMW 1M, but Alpine has won again. Travelled from Carlisle to Winchester (long drive back with lots of stop/start traffic, but the car took it in its stride).

Need to get the Life110 paddles again (and the Life 110 geo) - they make such a difference!

PE first time around, Color Edition 2020 this time.

Lovely! I've got a soft spot for those Color Editions as I almost bought one. Enjoy the car!
Lovely looking car, saw your picture was posted on Winchester Alpine’s FB page too smile


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232 months

Sunday 13th August 2023
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^^ very nice, welcome to the club smile


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232 months

Monday 23rd October 2023
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Thought I’d post a little ‘good news’ story here given some of the issues a few owners have been facing, myself included.

As some might know my car was hit by a 3rd party in June last year and is still of the road due to availability of parts and, more recently, the incompetence of the repairer - I won’t bore you with the details.

I have been corresponding with Nicola at Alpine head office who has been chasing parts and the body shop, but as a gesture of goodwill she offered to loan me one of head office’s cars for the weekend, so I have been running around in a nice little San Remo for the past couple of days.

So, whilst still frustrated and angry at the delays, I did have fun driving the SR as it reminded me of why I bought the car in the first place. So thank you to Nicola and her team for restoring some faith in the Alpine brand - and fingers crossed might see my car this side of Christmas weeping


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232 months

Monday 23rd October 2023
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Andrew-b54kj said:
A weekend ! you should be having that until you get your car back.
It did cross my mind biggrin


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232 months

Monday 23rd October 2023
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Rob_RCF said:
Is the San Remo the 300 PS engine, the soft chassis & the bucket seats? If so you might just be driving the best possible version of the car.
It’s based on an S I believe, it certainly felt like it had 300 PS, not sure about the soft suspension, it felt quite taught so assumed it had the S set up, but I haven’t driven mine for so long I can’t remember how stiff it was banghead


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232 months

Tuesday 24th October 2023
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Rob_RCF said:
s111dpc said:
It’s based on an S I believe, it certainly felt like it had 300 PS, not sure about the soft suspension, it felt quite taught so assumed it had the S set up, but I haven’t driven mine for so long I can’t remember how stiff it was banghead
Just going from what my dealer told me, before I placed my GT order I was asking if there was any way to get the soft suspension with the 300 PS engine and the bucket seats, and he said "that's what the San Remo edition is". Hard to judge the ride height from your pic, I'm not convinced that's S suspension though.
You’re probably right as on reflection it did seem quite compliant.


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232 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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Well after a few days short of 18 months my car is finally back home where it should be. Won’t go into the long and painful story again but suffice it to say that a combination of part supply issues and poor body shop communications haven’t helped. That said things improved significantly once Nicola got on the case bow


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232 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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Cheers, hoping for a few more nice crisp days smile


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232 months

Tuesday 26th December 2023
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I love the pops and bangs but then again I am a 50 something big kid biggrin

To be fair though they are lot less embarrassing than the local Ford/Vauxhall/Audi etc cars with popping waste gates and LOUD pops and bangs.


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232 months

Tuesday 26th December 2023
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A110S said:
Good afternoon
I have just registered and the correct thing to do when entering a new site is to say hello, so I think this is the right place. Hello everybody, I'm from Spain, and since January this year I have an Alpine A110 S. I found the forum "by chance" after a lot of searching, because in my country there is no "official site" and, inexplicably, there is very little information about this car. I see that you have a lot of posts on the forum so I will keep up to date with all the information you have shared.
Thanks to those of you who make this sub-forum possible so that all this information doesn't get lost.
Good afternoon and welcome from another 'S' owner wavey


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232 months

Monday 15th January
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Portti said:
7en said:
If the intention is to direct people to ask questions regarding seats, brakes, tyres etc in the relevant threads, it could be a good idea to add these links in both the first post of this thread and a sticky thread at the top of the forum as a 'read before you post' topic.
That would be good. The problem, however, is that it would require actions from the forum moderators/admins and I have no idea who they are and how to contact them. As far as I see, the only way to contact Pistonheads is to send an email to I've send an email to that address to ask for this topic to be closed but they haven't responded.

One thing we should still be able to do without moderators is to add that list of topics to the first post of this topic. The person who wrote the first message on this topic should be able to edit his first message to do that. That person is s111dpc, so if he/she would be willing to do that, then that would be great.

Another thing each one of us can also do is to stop posting messages to this thread. Please, try to find a suitable existing topic for your questions/comments and if one doesn't exist, feel free to create a new topic for your question.
Hi Porti, that would be me, have to say I never expected this thread would grow so big smile

Happy to edit the first post with your suggestion - did you want to paste exactly what you want to say below this and I’ll copy it into the first post.


Original Poster:

1,365 posts

232 months

Monday 15th January
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Right, had a go at editing my first post from 2019 but I couldn’t get the links to work, sorry confused