How many PE have had fuel pump recall done?

How many PE have had fuel pump recall done?



Original Poster:

4,079 posts

112 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Afternoon all.
I’m only aware of one PE having the fuel pump recall done. I’m in correspondence with Wasim but still have no visibility on when I’ll get it done.

Are there any other PE out there with a recall date please?



72 posts

38 months

Wednesday 6th March
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As far as I know PEs are not included in the recall.


7,143 posts

148 months

Wednesday 6th March
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Life110 said:
As far as I know PEs are not included in the recall.
For my peace of mind, I hope you are wrong. I was sent the email saying (implying?) that I would get a further communication about WHEN my car would be recalled - but that hasn't happened yet.


120 posts

218 months

Wednesday 6th March
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I was told by Alpine UK that it hadn’t been done yet for mine (#754); as above from David - PEs aren’t in the recall. Not sure if that means it doesn’t need doing or that there’s another arrangement should it fail. I’ll pursue again with Alpine UK.


87 posts

60 months

Wednesday 6th March
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My PE was in for paint on rear arches with Manchester at the end of the year and I pushed to see if the recall could be done. Manchester also believed it was likely so while it was with them they checked part number against recall and Alpine UK confirmed that it was definitely not affected


Original Poster:

4,079 posts

112 months

Wednesday 6th March
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It is my understanding that PEs are in the recall.

This is based on :
1. The email from Alpine to me last year

2. My ongoing correspondence with Wasim trying to get a date for the work to be done. There seems no reason to the methodology employed by Alpine as to when cars are recalled. If PEs were not in the recall one would expect Wasim to say “Your PE is not in the recall”

3. This information from the govt website:


120 posts

218 months

Thursday 7th March
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If it’s helpful, this is fresh from Alpine UK today. My car is PE # 754.


Original Poster:

4,079 posts

112 months

Thursday 7th March
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Many thanks. So that’s further confirmation PE are in the recall. What isn’t so great is we are 4 months since the recall notice and I’m still waiting. The fault was discovered in Japan in 20/21…


7,143 posts

148 months

Thursday 7th March
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Miserablegit said:
Many thanks. So that’s further confirmation PE are in the recall. What isn’t so great is we are 4 months since the recall notice and I’m still waiting. The fault was discovered in Japan in 20/21…
It's still not clear to me if all PEs have the same pump and therefore they are ALL are subject of the recall. And I must ask what they are trying to work out before they can fit a replacement. Is the tank or the way the pump fits it different from later cars?


Original Poster:

4,079 posts

112 months

Thursday 7th March
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I think it’s the usual Alpine piss up brewery nonsense.
They’ve probably only ordered 100 pumps for the 800 or so cars in the recall.


72 posts

38 months

Thursday 7th March
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The PE has a different electrical and monitoring system. It has a fuel pump part number different to all later models. I’ve not heard of any PE fuel pump failures. 🤷‍♂️


7,143 posts

148 months

Thursday 7th March
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Life110 said:
The PE has a different electrical and monitoring system. It has a fuel pump part number different to all later models. I’ve not heard of any PE fuel pump failures. ?????
Thanks for that - it does provide some rationality to Alpine's actions.


Original Poster:

4,079 posts

112 months

Thursday 7th March
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Life110 said:
The PE has a different electrical and monitoring system. It has a fuel pump part number different to all later models. I’ve not heard of any PE fuel pump failures. ?????
Please can you expand on this.
I know there is no GPF on the PE but what do you mean by a different electrical and monitoring system. I know you produce remaps for them so would appreciate your explanation

Many thanks


120 posts

218 months

Thursday 7th March
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Noted! Thank you!


72 posts

38 months

Saturday 9th March
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Miserablegit said:
Please can you expand on this.
I know there is no GPF on the PE but what do you mean by a different electrical and monitoring system. I know you produce remaps for them so would appreciate your explanation

Many thanks
I think the best way to think about it is like a PE running Windows 9 where as all new cars are Windows 11. Sometimes the later software variants need different hardware. From an engine mapping software perspective, and this is where the fuel injector and pump part of the software is also held, we've counted about 6 software variants so far. PE engine also has a number of differences vs later cars. Everything changed at 2019my, and there was a big gap in the production timing between PE and the rest.


Original Poster:

4,079 posts

112 months

Saturday 9th March
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Thank you


7,143 posts

148 months

Tuesday 26th March
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My PE had its pump replaced today. Not sure what software changes (if any) have been made. I'll try and get some clarification when I pick the car up.


31 posts

56 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Life110 said:
The PE has a different electrical and monitoring system. It has a fuel pump part number different to all later models. I’ve not heard of any PE fuel pump failures. ?????
Interesting, I wonder why they are changing them then. Mine is booked in next week


120 posts

218 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Mine (#754) is booked for 12 April.


281 posts

54 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Albionmuz said:
Interesting, I wonder why they are changing them then. Mine is booked in next week
I see this claim a lot. But many PEs fps failed in Australia. Mine included. And then the replacement pump they fitted from stock got replaced as well. So I've no idea why the 100+ Australian PEs are different from the UK PEs but there you go. Definitely all cars from pretty close calendar period of production.