Anyone got experience of the Lexus RX300?

Anyone got experience of the Lexus RX300?


Matt UK

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17,824 posts

203 months

Saturday 25th September 2010
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After some light research these seem to me like a totally inoffensive soft roader that will be reliable, full of kit, thirsty and comfy.

Thinking of getting a 54 plate one for the missus/kids - so anything else I need to know?

Edited by Matt UK on Saturday 25th September 12:50

Matt UK

Original Poster:

17,824 posts

203 months

Saturday 25th September 2010
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OK thanks, good to hear.

Any know faults? There must be some things for me to look out for?

Matt UK

Original Poster:

17,824 posts

203 months

Sunday 26th September 2010
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Thanks for the comments - I'm hearing the 'boring' thing coming through loud and clear and I'm not really surprised by this.

To clarify, it will be the family wagon- the missus will drive it mainly and I'll drive it on weekends / holidays.

Boring is fine (she has a Scenic at the moment). All I'm really looking for is reliability, comfort, ability to carry people/stuff.

At worst, they don't seem to be that popular and at best polorise opinion - which is good for me as 2nd hand they look a bit of a bargain.

Edited by Matt UK on Sunday 26th September 15:20

Matt UK

Original Poster:

17,824 posts

203 months

Monday 27th September 2010
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GOod comments, thank you.

I'll make sure of a proper test drive.

Matt UK

Original Poster:

17,824 posts

203 months

Monday 27th September 2010
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morgrp said:
ugly as fk though and massively bland
hehe whilst I cannot argue with that, she currently drives a Renault Scenic so the base point for comparison is very, very low...

Matt UK

Original Poster:

17,824 posts

203 months

Monday 25th October 2010
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Quick thread update - thanks for the info here.

We picked an RX300 for the wife this afternoon. Didn't go for the newer version in the end as we found an 02 plate with low miles for locally for a bit of a bargain. It looks and feels like it will do the job just fine smile

Matt UK

Original Poster:

17,824 posts

203 months

Tuesday 4th October 2016
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Hi Steve, I bought a 2002 model.

It was comfy, decent in the snow with M&S tyres and easy to drive.

Very thirsty car, not helped by a 4 speed box. Not much fun on the motorway having a box V6 spinning away.

Ultimately though, even Lexus legendary reliability was no match for my ex-wife who half filled it with diesel. Burnt valves, 4-fig engine work but it never ran the same again and could go through a litre of oil quicker than a tank of petrol.

Now sold, but not really missed. Don't think I'd do the SUV thing again unless my circumstances drastically changed.