Ex national Grid Hilux anyone bought one, whats in the back?

Ex national Grid Hilux anyone bought one, whats in the back?



Original Poster:

312 posts

185 months

Monday 13th May
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Has anyone bought a ex national grid Hilux ? are they ragged as they seem to be sold at around the 160k mark ... any idea what they come with / whats in the back ?

Thinking about building one into a small holiday vehicle..

thanks Matt


Original Poster:

312 posts

185 months

Friday 17th May
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Yes thats the one, keep coming up this one didn't sell in last weeks auction again available...


Would love to know what they've installed in the back...like a heater would be bloody hand if planning on using it for camping :-)


Original Poster:

312 posts

185 months

Monday 27th May
quotequote all
Dont happen to know if they are end of life when sold off do you ?? should try and contact their fleet manager :-)