Lexus RC300H



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173 months

Friday 22nd September 2023
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I have been looking online at these over the last few days. Can’t find much real owners perspective on them though. Any owners here? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I would be using it for 20k a year mainly motorway driving for work. I understand they look sporty (I think they are stunning) but really don’t drive like they look. This is fine for me I want comfort, reliability, quality and economy. I have an Exige in the garage for fun. I’m a big fan of the two car garage and buy cars suited to the job.

The later the model the better the spec I have read. How about range? What miles can I expect from a tank. I’d really want 500+ ideally. So if they have a small range that would probably be a no go.


Ps if you have one, please post pics!


Original Poster:

2,121 posts

173 months

Friday 22nd September 2023
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andy43 said:
Might be worth a read here
Lots of activity and knowledge on there.
Bet there’s nothing that goes wrong with them!
Thanks I have had a look on there some good stuff but not much up to date.


Original Poster:

2,121 posts

173 months

Saturday 23rd September 2023
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Thanks Tabs that was exactly the reply I was looking for. Sounds perfect for me. I should have mentioned I like the rarity factor as well I always like to have something different.

Funny you mention the LC500 they are stunning I have seen a few at my local Lexus garage when I have been out running. Even I (and I consider myself an expert in this field haha) couldn’t get the man maths to work on a LC500 and keeping the Exige unfortunately!