Toyota chip and scuff insurance repair experience

Toyota chip and scuff insurance repair experience



Original Poster:

1,732 posts

150 months

Monday 12th November 2018
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Has anyone got one of these policies that repairs chips and paint scuffs under a separate Toyota insurance policy?

My other half has arrranged for a paint repair to be done on a bad (down to the plastic bumper) scuff caused by a third party, and the outfit that arranges it is saying they need space to erect a tent which is tricky when we only have on street parking in narrow urban streets.

I might have an option of using a private garage for it, but they don't let you speak to the technician in advance so we don't know whether they would be happy with this. The light in the garage is pretty poor so from that perspective it's not ideal - would of course be much drier than a tent in Scotland!

Any experience much appreciated.


Original Poster:

1,732 posts

150 months

Saturday 17th November 2018
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There's not enough space at work unfortunately, and all road parking nearby is metered.