Abandoned supra

Abandoned supra



Original Poster:

2,927 posts

87 months

Sunday 27th May 2018
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Whilst visiting the in laws in Fort Augustus on Loch Ness I spotted this abondoned supra in a bit of wasteland behind a shop. Went in the shop and the lady said it belonged to a lad that owns the flat above and was left to him by the person who owned the flat before and has been there a while.

Always been on my list of cars to own and was wondering is there anyway I can find out more about said car without asking the owner yet? Could it be worth anything or be a massive money pit as I don’t really know to much about them!

I know it could be in any condition and impossible to tell with one picture but maybe some supra owners/ more experienced folk may be able to advise.


Also no idea how to turn pic right way up.


Original Poster:

2,927 posts

87 months

Sunday 27th May 2018
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eezeh said:
If it was left by a previous owner then the current owner might not be aware of its value?
vehicleenquiry shows it as a 3 litre, if its a manual & twin turbo i'd imagine it'd be pretty difficult to loose money on it!
This was my thinking/hope! Couldn’t get down to it (without climbing a fence) to see if manual or not and mot checker just says engine size not if turbo etc. Unfortunately I’m on my way back home to Lancashire but might get father in law to pop round and ask the chap about it.


Original Poster:

2,927 posts

87 months

Sunday 27th May 2018
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Paulm4 said:
I stay near Ft Augustus and know the owners of the local garage. Where about is the car? I could ask about and see if anyone knows anything about it.
It’s behind the bushes with the red tag, there’s a little souvenir type shop in the building.


Original Poster:

2,927 posts

87 months

Monday 28th May 2018
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J4CKO said:
There are Supras out there if you want one, this one has a Fast and Furious style Barrification going on with the orange paint and bodykit, its been parked for a reason, it will be an NA Auto I expect, not worth a great deal and will probably need a load of work to get it on the road.

I know even the NA one have gone up but you would have to be really keen, after all, if its NA, you will get picked on by Golf Diesels.
This is true but I quite like the idea of ‘saving’ something and could be a nice project but as said if N/A auto then not really interested or be worth it.