Zero pc finance

Zero pc finance



Original Poster:

33,725 posts

220 months

Friday 12th July
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Is this 0% APR finance a regular deal or a one off?

I'm sorely tempted but the timing's not great for me; if it's likely to come up again in a year or two then I'll wait.

Gone fishing

7,473 posts

132 months

Friday 12th July
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U.K. sales have fallen below last years level so you can expect incentives, and whilst they may stop them for a while, that’s typically only to try an encourage people to place orders. The other aspect is the list price may change up and down periodically, Musk usually tells everybody that prices are going up soon, only to either not do so or drop the price back a little later.


2,471 posts

119 months

Friday 12th July
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they've done many many promotions


961 posts

212 months

Saturday 13th July
quotequote all
LordGrover said:
Is this 0% APR finance a regular deal or a one off?

I'm sorely tempted but the timing's not great for me; if it's likely to come up again in a year or two then I'll wait.
They tend to do it for a month or so then it goes back to normal. Same happend last year.