Model S Plaid Launch

Model S Plaid Launch


Dave Hedgehog

Original Poster:

14,659 posts

209 months

Heres Johnny

7,383 posts

129 months

Friday 11th June 2021
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You can see a list of all the detailed changes (above and beyond the headlines) here, and a list of the things they didn't do


9,643 posts

263 months

Friday 11th June 2021
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Watched this too. All the EM vitriol on the other pages about the plaid car will never be.. range is too short.. charging is too long, 0-60 is a lie etc etc.

Yet again EM brings the new dimension in motoring up another level. Can't wait for the dumb-arsed comments that will no doubt ensue.

Bloody ICE brigade can have it now if they afford it laugh

Heres Johnny

7,383 posts

129 months

Saturday 12th June 2021
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LordFlathead said:
Watched this too. All the EM vitriol on the other pages about the plaid car will never be.. range is too short.. charging is too long, 0-60 is a lie etc etc.

Yet again EM brings the new dimension in motoring up another level. Can't wait for the dumb-arsed comments that will no doubt ensue.

Bloody ICE brigade can have it now if they afford it laugh
I think you miss the point of why people get fed up of musk. The car was promised which more range but that version got dropped, more performance but that version hit dropped, comes with a yoke yet the steering lock to lock is worse than the old with the turning circle of an oil tanker, and is little more than a interior cosmetic make over with the rear motor updated. 200 mph but Tesla have said that’s not available from launch, not that many people are bothered.

Is it a good car.. sure. Is it the car we were promised.. no. If you’re happy with the first then great. If you’re expecting the latter, and your existing model s is 3 or 4 years old and you want to change for the latest you’re both disappointed with the lack of evolution and frustrated by the fact you’ve still have a years wait for one in the uk, it’s why so many existing Tesla owners are switching to taycans when their model s come to be changed.

Andy M

3,755 posts

264 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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Heres Johnny said:
I think you miss the point of why people get fed up of musk. The car was promised which more range but that version got dropped, more performance but that version hit dropped, comes with a yoke yet the steering lock to lock is worse than the old with the turning circle of an oil tanker, and is little more than a interior cosmetic make over with the rear motor updated. 200 mph but Tesla have said that’s not available from launch, not that many people are bothered.

Is it a good car.. sure. Is it the car we were promised.. no. If you’re happy with the first then great. If you’re expecting the latter, and your existing model s is 3 or 4 years old and you want to change for the latest you’re both disappointed with the lack of evolution and frustrated by the fact you’ve still have a years wait for one in the uk, it’s why so many existing Tesla owners are switching to taycans when their model s come to be changed.
The car wasn't promised with more range. The exact car that was promised (the Plaid) has been launched. The Plaid Plus (essentially the same car but with different batteries) has been dropped. It offered no better performance other than more range and possible a quicker charge time.

I accept that this new model is more evolution than revolution, but I don't accept that buyers are jumping to Porsche (of all brands!) for this reason; Porsche hardly redesigns the wheel every time they launch a new generation.

I won't be considering the Taycan when it comes time to change my car. In fact I've placed my deposit for the Plaid to replace my Model S Performance some time next year.

Heres Johnny

7,383 posts

129 months

Tuesday 15th June 2021
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Andy M said:
The car wasn't promised with more range. The exact car that was promised (the Plaid) has been launched. The Plaid Plus (essentially the same car but with different batteries) has been dropped. It offered no better performance other than more range and possible a quicker charge time.

I accept that this new model is more evolution than revolution, but I don't accept that buyers are jumping to Porsche (of all brands!) for this reason; Porsche hardly redesigns the wheel every time they launch a new generation.

I won't be considering the Taycan when it comes time to change my car. In fact I've placed my deposit for the Plaid to replace my Model S Performance some time next year.
I didn;t say every model would have every update, look back over my posts and I corrected all those that thought every model would have the new battery, the point is the advances they said they were going to deliver, some of which were not due until later in the year, have been killed. So all hype and bluster to make the plaid+ be a lucid killer and grab a load of headlines and its not coming after all. Basically musk told a load of bull

And then some of the features in the new car don;t exist either like the noise cancellation, the piviting screen, the top speed and those testing the 0-60 time so far aren't finding it any quicker than the outgoing model.

Who needs a marketing department when people are pleased at a new interior where the most significant changes not approved of by most people.

Andy M

3,755 posts

264 months

Wednesday 16th June 2021
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Heres Johnny

7,383 posts

129 months

Wednesday 16th June 2021
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Andy M said:
Guy talks out his arse, I gave up after a few minuites

The range of the cars has hardly changed, in fact in the plaid its gone down compared to the previous Performance, despite lower cd, and he thinks it might have 20kwh more battery? If it is 120kwh then boy has the efficiency taken a hit.

Tesla staff at the event say whats been said several other places since they announced it was coming that its the old type battery cells but we want to ignore that. He'd prefer to think that "no news" means new batteries rather than "no news" means theres no news.. We know the cooling has been improved, they have said that, if they were really using different battery you can bet Musk would have made a thing about it. .

I prefer to look at the raw data and form my own opinions rather than take a few days trying to find a video of somebody that shares my opinion even if the evidence seems think on the ground.

Andy M

3,755 posts

264 months

Wednesday 16th June 2021
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Heres Johnny said:
I prefer to look at the raw data and form my own opinions rather than take a few days trying to find a video of somebody that shares my opinion even if the evidence seems think on the ground.
I think you meant to say that you prefer to piss and moan on a car forum, while others put their money where their mouths are.

You don’t like the Plaid. Nobody cares.

Heres Johnny

7,383 posts

129 months

Wednesday 16th June 2021
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About 3 posts earlier…
Heres Johnny said:
Is it a good car.. sure.
And on other posts I’ve been critical of people complaining about irrelevant things including electronic gear shifts given all these cars have them

But because you can’t muster up a single data point to support your view, and you seem totally ignorant of the history of the model you just go down the cheap shot route.

Andy M said:
I think you meant to say that you prefer to piss and moan on a car forum, while others put their money where their mouths are.

You don’t like the Plaid. Nobody cares.
My money is on my 3rd Tesla going back 6 years. And yours?


482 posts

60 months

Andy M

3,755 posts

264 months

Thursday 17th June 2021
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Heres Johnny said:
But because you can’t muster up a single data point to support your view, and you seem totally ignorant of the history of the model you just go down the cheap shot route.
I'm ignorant about my ignorance, what data point do you require?

I doubt I'm ignorant about the car I own...


482 posts

60 months

Heres Johnny

7,383 posts

129 months

Thursday 17th June 2021
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482 posts

60 months

Thursday 17th June 2021
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Heres Johnny said:
...Anyone can post random articles
LOL - thank you for providing such a succinct example of "False Equivalency"!

Andy M

3,755 posts

264 months

Thursday 17th June 2021
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"The driver used brakes in both 1/4 mile runs before getting kicked off the drag strip for being too quick without a drag license."


90 posts

52 months

Friday 18th June 2021
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I read the motortrend report and its the usual "is your glass half full, or half empty" story

Tesla massively controlled the testing, insisted on using the ultra sticky tarmac and not real world at all, the car needs to be left for 20+ mins to prepare itself, and then it just about gets the claimed time (with 1 foot roll out) - boo.. over hyp'd show pony conditions.

But its still damn fast - hurrah..

Battery is SMALLER than before though, so no super density next generation cells, just more space taken for cooling. Range on the Plaid is down slightly as a result despite better Cd and better motors

For me though, its a disappointment. Not on the head line performance, but if any other manufacturer had rolled out essentially the same car with a new interior and a few tweaks we'd be critical. The changes Tesla have done are akin to a mid life cycle update the Germans would do. Tweak the exterior, alter the engine, stick in the latest idrive and the family dash, fiddle with the seats, add some rear entertainment options, new wheels, up the acceleration... that kind of thing. He's tried to make a thing about a motor that spins to 20k rpm, but why? The gearbox in the Tycan works pretty well and makes cruising efficiency brilliant.. You can't help feeling that there is a point where dedicated to your thoughts becomes stubbornness in the face of evidence.

The test I always use is if a competitor had done that amount of change would be be critical? If the answer is yes then we should be of Tesla. And for a 6 month+ wait for the new car and the promise of lots of new technology revealed as coming in the past, non of which has made it to the car, its got to be a relative disappointment as an upgrade over the outgoing Raven Model S Performance.

Don't get me wrong. The old car was already pretty special. it's just the new one hasn't really moved it on in any meaningful way, and its that which is the disappointment, meanwhile the yoke, complete with the buttons for indicators is an accident waiting to happen


482 posts

60 months

Friday 18th June 2021
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DrJFoster said:
I read the motortrend report and its the usual "is your glass half full, or half empty" story...t's just the new one hasn't really moved it on in any meaningful way...
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course, but an entirely new, much more efficient and powerful drivetrain, an entirely new, hugely improved interior, new suspension, faster charging, etc. etc. are the very definition of "moving (things) on ina meaningful way" IMHO.

The exterior didn't change a bunch, which it seems is what some people are objecting to, but the car still looks good.

The fact that it's MUCH quicker than any production car that came before it and less expensive than any car that ever approached its performance figures is icing on the cake.

The real "deal" though seems to me to be the new LR version. Still quicker than pretty much anything near its price and with an ICE-rivaling range, plus all the benefits of the rest of the revisions.

I purposely DIDN'T buy a Model S a couple of years ago because it was outdated in many ways compared to the Model 3 Performance I bought. The new LR flips that script.

Heres Johnny

7,383 posts

129 months

Saturday 19th June 2021
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Much quicker than anything that came before it, except it’s predecessor. The sub 2s time only achievable on a sticky track and the maximum acceleration now, like then, only if you left it to prep the battery for 15 mins or more. Day to day nobody uses that, and on the road, i regular every day use, it’s the same.

Top speed, for years everyone said it’s pointless because the opportunity to use more than 100mph, certainly more than 150mph are limited not to mention a fast way to deplete the battery and now, suddenly, it’s a worthy feature. Just shows how fickle supporters are.

So what doesn’t it have?
- new cells with greater energy density
- the battery back firming part of the chassis
- talk of higher chassis rigidity
- and info on torque vectoring and it’s benefits and reports say you can’t feel it so probably not implemented yet
- no new driver tech to speak of such as truly adaptive headlights, head up displays, augmented reality (the last of which must surely play to musks computer game desires)
- no new colours
- no massage seats
- no soft close doors and other premium features you get on luxury cars

I could keep going.

It’s a bit quicker than it was in day to day use, but I agree with DrFoster, it already was. We get a new interior which echos a cheaper model and gimmicks of a new steering wheel.

Other than straight line acceleration, name something desireable the new models have the old car didn’t?


968 posts

162 months

Saturday 19th June 2021
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Apparently all new steering/suspension handling as good as taycan..
Improved mid corner due to rear end dual motor according to a certain championship racer
I’m tempted truthfully