Cybertruck LMFAO

Cybertruck LMFAO



6,907 posts

222 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Chipper said:
Im not sure why so much hate towards Tesla. The Cybertruck will do very well and I'm sure we will be able to look back in a year or two and see who is right on that.

The hate towards Musk is rather comical. Here's a chap who has now managed to establish arguably the leading EV manufacturer in the world in a relative short time with the biggest selling car globally while everyone kept saying “ the competition is coming “ while it seems its just collapsing. It looks clear that when the Chinese really start hitting the European shores that legacy manufacturers are really going to be in trouble as the take up of ev’s grows.

Very similar when people said it was impossible to reuse a rocket and laughed at Musk saying they would and yet here we are with SpaceX a few years later.
Pretty sure very few have any beef with his manufacturing business achievements, even if they are largely off the back of others' work.


1,352 posts

220 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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minimoog said:
Pretty sure very few have any beef with his manufacturing business achievements, even if they are largely off the back of others' work.
Oxymoron ?


2,195 posts

107 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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His leadership and vision have been key in even ATTEMPTING to break into and pioneer in very difficult industries. I wouldn’t write that off. Even to push a pen and write a cheque for an engineers’ ‘out there’ ideas, people who will do that and put their own necks and fortunes on the line are extremely rare. Space X has broken even now, Tesla is making a profit, so it would suggest he was writing cheques for the right ‘out there’ ideas.

Engineers who earn a paycheck are a dime a dozen in comparison.

Edited by wyson on Friday 17th November 10:15


2,114 posts

203 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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I’ve never been a fan of Tesla but they aren’t half terrifying the legacy manufacturers and the new factories are remarkable.

It will be interesting to see what happens when their 25k car comes out. Times are changing.


10,414 posts

225 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Joscal said:
I’ve never been a fan of Tesla but they aren’t half terrifying the legacy manufacturers and the new factories are remarkable.
Ironically I think that's backfired. The claims he was making about self-driving almost ten years ago definitely frightened the industry, so they started investing heavily in catching up. However, because he was lying about their capability, the other manufacturers were chasing a target that didn't actually exist are are probably way ahead of Tesla now.

I was a big fan of Musk a few years back, and thought he was a kind of modern-day Brunel. I believed what he said about self-driving cars, and that first double rocket landing was one of the most awesome things I've ever seen.

Then I started following him on Twitter and very quickly went off him. Ultimately he became the only account I muted, because he was so witless and insufferable (long before any talk of buying Twitter).

To me the Cybertruck looks like the product of somebody who now fully believes his own hype, with too much power, no oversight and the safety of infinite money.

It may well be successful but either way, I don't think he's the kind of person we as a society should be celebrating, let alone idolising.


17,458 posts

282 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Although build quality isn’t of the highest quality apparently, has anyone seen a rusty Tesla? I don’t recall it myself.


88,883 posts

287 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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swisstoni said:
Although build quality isn’t of the highest quality apparently, has anyone seen a rusty Tesla? I don’t recall it myself.


2,195 posts

107 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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durbster said:
To me the Cybertruck looks like the product of somebody who now fully believes his own hype, with too much power, no oversight and the safety of infinite money.
The cybertruck looks like that for engineering reasons. To give strength with lightweight compared to standard body on frame constructions. It isn't an ego out of control.

If Tesla manage to make it mass producible at a reasonable cost, the industry is going to follow and you will see more designs resembling it. The gigapress is already being adopted outside Tesla by other manufacturers.

Edited by wyson on Friday 17th November 11:38


2,195 posts

107 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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durbster said:
I believed what he said about self-driving cars
No need to believe anyone these days. Just watch a few YouTube videos! Going all in on just vision for self driving is one of his wrong calls and they are going to fall further behind. Plenty of videos out there explaining the importance of sensor fusion and providing the correct infrastructure for Level 5 full self driving.

Everyone is fallible and weird at some level, high achievers even more so. TBF, Musk does take the biscuit somewhat.

Edited by wyson on Friday 17th November 16:05


26,472 posts

176 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Did all the people that put deposits down in this country really think an F150 sized pickup was coming here?

Most must have seen the odd Ram and F150 over here. They look utterly ridiculous and would be a nightmare even if they bothered with RHD.

I'm surprised it's even legal to take people's money even if its refundable.


9,182 posts

197 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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wyson said:
The cybertruck looks like that for engineering reasons. To give strength with lightweight compared to standard body on frame constructions. It isn't an ego out of control.

If Tesla manage to make it mass producible at a reasonable cost, the industry is going to follow and you will see more designs resembling it. The gigapress is already being adopted outside Tesla by other manufacturers.

Edited by wyson on Friday 17th November 11:38
I thought the exoskeleton thing was just marketing puff. Isn't it basically a shiny Model Y?


2,195 posts

107 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Na watch the vid in the link. Basically that is one translation, there are various takes, but all the analysis revolves around how much of the car is structural, the idea being, if the whole car is structural including the skin and glass, the car will be lighter overall than having a strong heavy structure carry deadweight like panels and windows.

One speculation is that the windows are flat like that because they are structural. Curved structural glass is extremely expensive, so to get the Cybertruck in at a reasonable price, they had to use flat glass.

Of course no one will really know until a production model is torn down by Munro Associates. I honestly doubt it is a blown up, weird shaped Y, the difficulty they are having getting it into production and all the analysis done suggests otherwise.

Should say, I don’t have any particular expertise other than watching a few youtube videos. Lots of good content out there.

Edited by wyson on Friday 17th November 17:37


10,414 posts

225 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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wyson said:
Na watch the vid in the link. Basically that is one translation, there are various takes, but all the analysis revolves around how much of the car is structural, the idea being, if the whole car is structural including the skin and glass, the car will be lighter overall than having a strong heavy structure carry deadweight like panels and windows.

One speculation is that the windows are flat like that because they are structural. Curved structural glass is extremely expensive, so to get the Cybertruck in at a reasonable price, they had to use flat glass.

Of course no one will really know until a production model is torn down by Munro Associates. I honestly doubt it is a blown up, weird shaped Y, the difficulty they are having getting it into production and all the analysis done suggests otherwise.

Edited by wyson on Friday 17th November 17:20

I'm not convinced. Seriously - structural glass? scratchchin

The article claims it's a functional design. Clever engineering to increase strength and save weight.

After a bit of looking around, this article reckons the Cybertruck is going to weigh in at between 3.8 and 4.5 tonnes so it'll be heavier than the Ford F150 Lightning and about the same as the Rivian R1T.

Strewth, these things really are absurd aren't they. A Toyota Hilux is 2.2 tonnes.

I'm sticking with my opinion that the design is for no other reason than Elon thought it was cool, and everything else is post-justification.


2,195 posts

107 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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May well be, I’m looking forward to the teardown on Munro Live!


4,054 posts

217 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Are you honestly saying being a monocoque (like most production cars since the 60’s) or using glass as an integral part of the structure (bonded glass has contributed to rigidity for decades) is some sort of breakthrough?


2,195 posts

107 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Most of the panels on a monocoque are dead weight.

The structure of a monocoque can be seen here:

The cybertruck is supposed to be an exoskeleton so the whole surface of the car including the skin is structural, like a beetle (insect, not the VW) Well that is what the analysis is speculating. Won’t know until a production model is torn down. I’d laugh hard if it is a giant Model Y made to look like an exoskeleton, as per Durbsters speculation.

And no a full production exoskeleton car hasn’t been done before if the Cybertruck is indeed that.

Edited by wyson on Friday 17th November 19:13


26,472 posts

176 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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giveitfish said:
Are you honestly saying being a monocoque (like most production cars since the 60’s) or using glass as an integral part of the structure (bonded glass has contributed to rigidity for decades) is some sort of breakthrough?
How does structural glass work when you wond the windows down?


4,054 posts

217 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Are your side windows bonded in?


2,195 posts

107 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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I think they are if you go for the bulletproof windows, but the analysis on that link is saying the top panel and windscreen are structural elements.


4,054 posts

217 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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wyson said:
Most of the panels on a monocoque are dead weight.

The structure of a monocoque can be seen here:

The cybertruck is supposed to be an exoskeleton so the whole surface of the car including the skin is structural, like a beetle (insect, not the VW) Well that is what the analysis is speculating. Won’t know until a production model is torn down. I’d laugh hard if it is a giant Model Y made to look like an exoskeleton, as per Durbsters speculation.

And no a full production exoskeleton car hasn’t been done before if the Cybertruck is indeed that.

Edited by wyson on Friday 17th November 19:13
This isn’t any kind of breakthrough unless you’ve really swallowed the Koolaid. The Lotus Elite was a full-body monocoque back in 1957. Mainstream production cars don’t do it for a number of good reasons including manufacturing costs, repairability and the ability to facelift and spin off other versions without having to retool and reengineer the whole structure.

If the outer skin is genuinely structural the car would be written off in even a minor crash. What body shop could jig and repair it?