Cybertruck LMFAO

Cybertruck LMFAO



Original Poster:

12,533 posts

221 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Damn, wyson must be gagging with how deep they're swallowing.

The reason they are having issues is because it's a stupid fking design that requires ridiculous tolerances to not look like a dog st panel-beaten van from the 60s.

None of it is bulletproof for standard calibre. The glass won't be openable if somehow they do spec it. Pointless.

It is compromise city.


2,205 posts

107 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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The repair thing is a problem with the gigacastings too. They don’t know how to fix them. Partly one of the reasons Tesla insurance rates have increased substantially, including battery pack repair issues all electric cars suffer from.

Also the Lotus Elite was low volume, 1003 cars were built, hardly a full production model. Cybertruck they plan to sell in the hundreds of thousands / millions. I’m sure they could hand build 1003 Cybertrucks right now, but that isn’t the same as figuring out new production processes to build them at volume for an affordable price. Very interesting, though, I wasn’t aware of the original Elite until you pointed it out. It is a lovely thing.

Edited by wyson on Friday 17th November 20:17


2,205 posts

107 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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I’ll end by saying I find the Cybertruck genuinely interesting and exciting! Very much looking forward to the teardowns to seperate fact from all the current speculation.


275 posts

174 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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EmailAddress said:
None of it is bulletproof for standard calibre. The glass won't be openable if somehow they do spec it. Pointless.
What is a “standard” calibre? The car paraded on social media was shot up with .45 ACP. The most prevalent gun in the US is a handgun, 99% of which are chambered in less powerful 9mm.

I wouldn’t get too upset about it - it’s a sales gimmick. Nothing different than Mercedes plumbed in perfume, BMW’s useless “gesture control”, diamond headlights or “drift mode”. Sales gimmicks work though, so people can boast about a feature they will never use. Thank god we laugh at bulletproof cars, maybe the in the US it will be a standard safety feature.

I once spent a lot of money (to me) on a lightweight Porsche. Thought it was extra money well spent until my 19 stone mate, who I used to do trackdays with, pointed out that he was always in the passenger seat anyway smile


Original Poster:

12,533 posts

221 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Hans_Gruber said:
EmailAddress said:
None of it is bulletproof for standard calibre. The glass won't be openable if somehow they do spec it. Pointless.
What is a “standard” calibre? The car paraded on social media was shot up with .45 ACP. The most prevalent gun in the US is a handgun, 99% of which are chambered in less powerful 9mm.
Sorry, should have said 'common' or perhaps 'prolific'.

It can be what it wants in engineering terms but the whole overtalk bks is getting tiring as far as Tesla is concerned.

Bold claims, drop half of them, half-house what's left.

A panel may stop projectiles, but if it is certified, I'll eat my hat.


2,667 posts

239 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Chipper said:
They have a pre order list of nearly 2 million. Pick up trucks in North America are some of the biggest selling vehicles and it’s clearly designed for that target. It will be class leading and by some margin. If you don’t like the look of it you can buy a Ford F series or a Ram but be in no doubt that this will do very well in North America and will seriously damage the competition in that segment.
Tesla allegedly have 2m $100 fully refundable orders.


275 posts

174 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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EmailAddress said:
None of it is bulletproof for standard calibre. The glass won't be openable if somehow they do spec it. Pointless.
What is a “standard” calibre? The car paraded on social media was shot up with .45 ACP. The most prevalent gun in the US is a handgun, 99% of which are chambered in less powerful 9mm.

I wouldn’t get too upset about it - it’s a sales gimmick. Nothing different than Mercedes plumbed in perfume, BMW’s useless “gesture control”, diamond headlights or “drift mode”. Sales gimmicks work though, so people can boast about a feature they will never use. Thank god we laugh at bulletproof cars, maybe the in the US it will be a standard safety feature.

I once spent a lot of money (to me) on a lightweight Porsche. Thought it was extra money well spent until my 19 stone mate, who I used to do trackdays with, pointed out that he was always in the passenger seat anyway smile


26,524 posts

176 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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coetzeeh said:
Tesla allegedly have 2m $100 fully refundable orders.
How many would they have if it was $1000 non refundable.

You could chuck $100 refundable in of you're on welfare.


2,667 posts

239 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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ChocolateFrog said:
How many would they have if it was $1000 non refundable.

You could chuck $100 refundable in of you're on welfare.


3,583 posts

46 months

Saturday 18th November 2023
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Musk is a master of manipulating the capitalism system, which to be honest is bloody easy to do. I could say I’ve invented the hoverboard and self tying shoelaces and ask £50 refundable reposit, I’d earn millions, invest it, make millions more then refund it 5 years later when that £50 is worth about £20.

It’s not being stupid, it’s just people not understanding how the system works.


1,600 posts

225 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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I call total and utter BS on the bullet 'resistant' glass.

Real bullet resistant glass is layered in a complex way with multiple materials.

This image gives a good view of different types of glass and the type of round they will stop. There's no way it would be cost effective or probable that the glass would even be close to B4 standards (the left most glass in the pic)

Edited by RobbyJ on Sunday 19th November 00:26

Edited by RobbyJ on Sunday 19th November 00:26

Gone fishing

7,286 posts

127 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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coetzeeh said:
Tesla allegedly have 2m $100 fully refundable orders.
Isn't that number from a 3rd party tracker based on 50k people who have entered a reservation, extrapolated based on mathemtics nobody understands and not counting any cancellations?

Tesla have never given a number.


26,524 posts

176 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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RobbyJ said:
I call total and utter BS on the bullet 'resistant' glass.

Real bullet resistant glass is layered in a complex way with multiple materials.

This image gives a good view of different types of glass and the type of round they will stop. There's no way it would be cost effective or probable that the glass would even be close to B4 standards (the left most glass in the pic)

Edited by RobbyJ on Sunday 19th November 00:26

Edited by RobbyJ on Sunday 19th November 00:26
Would guess at most it'll be 2 panes with a plastic laminate in the middle. Similar to other automotive applications where they use it for noise suppression.

Guess it would stop a 2.2 from a pistol?


2,726 posts

267 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Don't know why people on here think this is something akin to vapourware. There is a huge factory in Austin, Texas for production.


26,524 posts

176 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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fatbutt said:
Don't know why people on here think this is something akin to vapourware. There is a huge factory in Austin, Texas for production.
It's going to be built, the argument is over whether it'll be a success or not.

Those Californians buying M3's are not likely to want aweird looking pick truck and the Texas hillbillies mock EV pickups relentlessly. It's not going to replace the F150 as a work truck either.

Who's left? And in what numbers to make it a profit?

Will be interesting to see how it pans out.


275 posts

174 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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RobbyJ said:
I call total and utter BS on the bullet 'resistant' glass.

Real bullet resistant glass is layered in a complex way with multiple materials.

This image gives a good view of different types of glass and the type of round they will stop. There's no way it would be cost effective or probable that the glass would even be close to B4 standards (the left most glass in the pic)

Edited by RobbyJ on Sunday 19th November 00:26

Edited by RobbyJ on Sunday 19th November 00:26
Apparently bullet proof glass is an option, unlikely to be taken up as it means the windows won’t move.

Without this option you need to either rely on your assailant’s poor marksmanship, or just duck!


989 posts

256 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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The majority of those $100 deposits were placed by people so they could add the 'Cyber Truck pre-order hype' onto their social media accounts.

Once it's time to confirm the order and pay the balance/take the finance, I imagine 90% of those pre-orders will evaporate


1,352 posts

220 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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SDK said:
The majority of those $100 deposits were placed by people so they could add the 'Cyber Truck pre-order hype' onto their social media accounts.

Once it's time to confirm the order and pay the balance/take the finance, I imagine 90% of those pre-orders will evaporate
who needs a revolutionary, tough-as-nails electric truck with a design that turns heads like nobody's business? It's not like the Cybertruck's exoskeleton is literally bulletproof, or that it's pushing the boundaries of electric vehicle innovation. And sure, the pre-orders might be causing a stir on social media, but that's just because people can't resist sharing their excitement for a vehicle that's redefining what's possible in the electric vehicle market. But hey, who needs all those benefits, right? It's probably just a fleeting trend.

Absolutely, I see your point. I mean, who'd want to stick around with a company that just happens to have the biggest-selling EV globally and a software game that's top-notch? Oh, wait a minute, Tesla does. But hey, I'm sure nobody will want to be caught dead driving that eye-catching, futuristic Cybertruck. No chance, right?


9,674 posts

136 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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Tesla's software isn't exactly class-leading.

There are several auto makers with better self-driving that Tesla's beta effort.


5,262 posts

187 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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PolicyPest said:
But hey, I'm sure nobody will want to be caught dead driving that eye-catching, futuristic Cybertruck. No chance, right?
It's hideous, and hideously compromised. I'm sure they'll sell a fair number - it's not going to be Edsel-bad - but the majority will be bought by EM fanboys and try-hard influencers. The first group will die declaring it's the best thing since sliced bread, the second will quickly tire and move on when the click rate drops.

For the rest, i can see grumbles about things like the windscreen, wipers, durability/looks of the bodywork, poor load-carrying capability etc. being a constant pain in Tesla's neck, possibly leading to increasingly huffy tweets from Musk, vaguely threatening some poor owner(s) for speaking out.

I predict Tesla are already working on a much more traditional-looking truck with the same underpinnings, but they won't announce that until they've soaked up the demand for this one. That's probably part of the reason for the '$50k' thing; I reckon most just want a Tesla truck, not a daft diversion like this, and would switch their orders if something more normal was available instead.