In Deutschland zugelassene Noble M12?

In Deutschland zugelassene Noble M12?



Original Poster:

108 posts

168 months

Saturday 12th December 2015
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German title to attract attention of all German users out there... Rest in English so the entire community can unterstand.

I seek contact and exchange with people who have already managed to road-register a Noble M12 (ideally 3 or 3R) in Germany, who know details about how road-registration has been accomplished, know a source for a copy of a registration certificate (Zulassungsbescheinigung), data sheet für TÜV or have any other helpful advice which can help me to obtain a road-registration.

I am prepared to pay for documents that lead to TÜV registration = share cost which owners of road-registered Nobles might have had in the past to obtain their TÜV approval.

Danke für Eure Antworten,



Original Poster:

108 posts

168 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2015
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Thanks for your replies, guys.
The question is indeed a Noble specific one. I have successfully imported and registered a TVR Cerbera in Germany a couple of years ago. So principles are clear, this question is really about data sheets, especially regarding emission and noise, for an M12 with the 3 litre engine.

I have managed to get in contact with someone in the meantime, looks promising. Have made a downpayment on the car as well, so no way back anyway 😅😅

Will keep you updated on my progress.

Cheers, Leo


Original Poster:

108 posts

168 months

Sunday 27th December 2015
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That's correct, Yellowshed. The only two ways to get one of these exotic cars licensed in Germany is to either go through a rather painstaking series of technical assessments which might or might not lead to a positive judgement but which will surely rip a huge hole into your wallet. Or you find someone who has already gone through this process and owns (the owner) or stores (TÜV = MOT) all the documents required. If you are lucky and they consider your car to be sufficiently similar than the one already tested (same model, engine, year,...) then the TÜV will accept this paperwork and spare you from technical tests. Only thing then required is still a single type approval (Parargraph 21) but based on the existing data from the other car.

Quite complicated and probably the reason why so few of these nice cars really make the way into Germany.
Also my Cerbera had to be treated this way. But because there were already a dozen or so Cerbies in Germany when I imported mine in 2010 finding an owner and a cooperative MOT engineer wasn't that difficult.

I meanwhile believe that there are no more than maybe 3 or 4 registered Nobles in the country.
I know more next week and will keep you updated.

Cheers, Leo