Why Noble?



Original Poster:

6,657 posts

51 months

Friday 10th July 2020
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As the forum is dead, no idea if it’s been asked before but as a long time admirer, why Noble?


43 posts

110 months

Friday 10th July 2020
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I live in the US, home of the Corvette.
A Corvette may not be the best car, but bang for the buck, it is a sales success few others can match.

And for me, that is the problem.

I, privately, refer to Corvette's as JAC's
Just Another Corvette. great cars, but it seems you can throw a rock and hit three of them at any car event.

I have had multiple Corvette owners, some with nicely optioned and/or modified cars, remark how their car is rendered invisible around the Noble.

For me, that is a plus .

At the track I have had multiple talented drivers complement the car after driving it.

For me, that is a plus.

And the looks.... I am a Walter Mitte. in my imagination I am not driving to the store to pick up bread for the wife, I am driving down the Mulsanne straight in a car of my own design (curse you Bruce McLaren) during a nice little drive in the French countryside in mid June. And when I come off the podium with my trophy, hmmm I mean, out of the store with my loaf of bread, the looks of the car maintains the daydream for just a bit longer.

Ian Perry

256 posts

159 months

Saturday 11th July 2020
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It's a very talented motor car ,just check out some of the video's on youtube .Clarkson love him or hate him reckon's it's one of the best he's driven at any price .
Relatively cheap to run compared with other cars of similar performance all I have ever done is service mine and modifications of my choice it's been 100% reliable [that's done it].
I honestly don't know what I would swap it for I had a 911 previously and wouldn't go back .Hold their value well too what's not to like.

Lord Flashheart

3,767 posts

196 months

Tuesday 21st July 2020
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Get yourself a ride in one and you'll know straight away.


Original Poster:

6,657 posts

51 months

Tuesday 21st July 2020
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Lord Flashheart said:
Get yourself a ride in one and you'll know straight away.
I have one. Just trying to stimulate discussion biggrin

Lord Flashheart

3,767 posts

196 months

Saturday 25th July 2020
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ddom said:
Lord Flashheart said:
Get yourself a ride in one and you'll know straight away.
I have one. Just trying to stimulate discussion biggrin
laugh In that case I still stand by my statement in that there's magic I find difficult to explain about the Noble. You drive one and just feel it. I'm onto my third now and can't see I'd be looking for anything else at a later date. I've described it before as a highly addictive drug, which I suspect many who have sold up, have failed to stay clean from.


6 posts

78 months

Thursday 14th January 2021
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Well stated!!