Dealer Noble Software / USB adapter ?

Dealer Noble Software / USB adapter ?



Original Poster:

628 posts

178 months

Monday 7th March 2016
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Hi guys just wanted to know before i buy an old laptop with a 9 pin serial port if anyone has successfully managed to use a usb adaptor lead for the MBE mapping lead to run the Noble Dealer Software v1.3 for windows 7 and if so what is the procedure to make it work please ?

Many thanks in advance

Naso Grande

237 posts

209 months

Monday 7th March 2016
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Hi Stefano,

I use a USB/Serial converter from RS Components but can't find it anymore on their website. The one in the link below looks like it will work as well;

With the one I have you had to install the drivers first before connecting the converter but it was all explained in the instructions.

After that it was just a case of going to Windows Control Panel and then Device Manager. Look down the list for 'Ports (COM & LPT)' and click on that to expand the list. It should then display the USB to Serial Adaptor and show which COM port number it's been given (usually in brackets) and this is the number to select in the Dealer Software.

Hope this helps.



Original Poster:

628 posts

178 months

Wednesday 9th March 2016
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Naso Grande said:
Hi Stefano,

I use a USB/Serial converter from RS Components but can't find it anymore on their website. The one in the link below looks like it will work as well;

With the one I have you had to install the drivers first before connecting the converter but it was all explained in the instructions.

After that it was just a case of going to Windows Control Panel and then Device Manager. Look down the list for 'Ports (COM & LPT)' and click on that to expand the list. It should then display the USB to Serial Adaptor and show which COM port number it's been given (usually in brackets) and this is the number to select in the Dealer Software.

Hope this helps.

Hi Graeme

many thanks for this it's a great help . What windows operating system are you using . I've got windows 7 ?

Grazie mille

Naso Grande

237 posts

209 months

Friday 11th March 2016
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Hi Stefano,

The last time I used the Software I was running Windows 8 on my Laptop so 7 should be OK. I've just changed to Windows 10 but haven't tried this yet but I'll check this when I get back home next week.



6 posts

145 months

Friday 15th February 2019
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I know this threads a bit old, but anyone know where to get this software from? Having trouble hunting it down. Any help is appreciated